Wax Treasure (Vinyl)
@popvulture Dude that’s an amazing collection! This Year’s Model has been one of my top five albums since I started listening to music as a kid. My copy is my dad’s from ‘78. I was basically brought up on that album. I need to fill in the gaps from the rest of his career though.
Man I've done a little bit of High Llamas but have never taken the dive. They've always been on my list — this is good motivation.
@popvulture everytime I see his name on a record for production I can gauruntee I'm going to love it
Most recently Healing Potpourris album Paradise and Peel Dream Machines album Pad
Both released last year -
@popvulture Those Unwound boxes are A+++. Just saw them in NYC a month ago and it was fantastic. I hope they come around again with a new set of old songs.
If anyone's interested in some modern acid jazz from Brooklyn, check out Sunwatchers. I saw a note from them that they need gas money for their tour! https://sunwatchers.bandcamp.com/album/oh-yeah
Ooh I’ll definitely check that out, always into that type of thing. Lotsa good stuff out there these days — Mildlife, L’eclair, Surprise Chef, Felbm some of the ones loosely in that zone that get a lot of spins around here. Checkin out Sunwatchers now.
Oh and re: Unwound, absolutely! Wish I could’ve seen one of those shows. Numero has been doing such a great job with that 90s stuff, particularly loved the Karate reissues. I’d been looking for a couple of those forever and they were just way too expensive before they put those out.
@setandsetting the first sentence of the description of Sunwatchers I read is enough to sell me
"Inspired by Terry Riley, Ethiopian and Thai music and the outer limits of jazz...."
@GraemeE Cool! They are awesome and very nice guys.
The bassist also plays with Chris Forsyth and the Solar Motel Band: https://chrisforsyth1.bandcamp.com/album/intensity-ghost
@popvulture I don't know Karate at all but I saw Numero's reissues and they're on the list of things to look into.
@setandsetting oh man you're in for a treat. The Bed is in the Ocean is my personal fave. I'd say they began in that sort of Unwound zone, but the lead singer/songwriter/guitarist is also very into jazz, so the records took on this almost indie/post-punk-meets-Steely-Dan sort of character. It's fantastic.
Dunno, Steely Dan are very polarizing and I know that sort of description can be an immediate turn-off for some, but they're one of my very favorite bands, so what can I say... Karate exist in a very cool cross-section of my tastes.
Unwound meets Steely Dan? I could be really down with this.
Man that’s an awesome looking comp, hadn’t seen it before. That takes me back to such a specific era that I’m SO fond of, sorta around my college years (gasp… turn of the century).
Also love to see the old stuff on there — Jean Jacques Perry and Dick Hyman both rule.
Edit AAAAH GRAND ROYAL. This is making so much sense. Shit I miss that label.
@popvulture I think the world (the 6 or so people that follow this thread) needs to see some of the deeper cuts in your stash
Haha cool I've got a few — I'll start taking more pics as I throw stuff on. The collection's pretty all over the place, but definitely in line with a lotta tastes of said 6 or so peeps