IHM-20 - Overdyed 14oz Indigo Denim M65
Since when did this one go extinct ? Last time I’ve looked there were a few left…
Is this the last M-65 denim jacket you guys will ever sell? I missed out on these since I wasn't a fan of IH back then nor had I heard of them but now that I know these exist I'm so put out I didn't catch one. Any reason as to why they are extinct as well? Thanks
Will this jacket be made again?
Will this jacket be made again?
See the above post. Never say never, however, I don’t think there are any plans right now.
@Giles Is there a reason why it can't be overdyed again? Love the texture/color of the OD
@Giles Duly noted.
Similarly to @goosehd I thought about wearing my IHM-20 today as the # 42 version took off
Herringbone match going on here
@motojobobo Thank you for sharing a beautiful jacket!!