Music: Metal/Punk Rock
two of the bands that I discovered pretty soon once I moved beyond Metallica, Maiden & Co. Iced Earth was my gateway band but ever since their main man was involved in the January 06 riots/insurrection/treason/whatever you want to call it they have lost much of what remained of their appeal
At least In Flames only started making shit music at some point and didn't try to overthrow their democracy
@Oaktavia I love them too my friend, I actually had a bit of a punk as a teenager
. as for my company, she loves 70s hard rock and metal. She turns up the volume more than me but at our tender age, we do it more because we are deaf, I fear, than for the taste of very loud music
@WhiskeySandwich our convo over in rants made me pop this one on, been a minute. Fuckin rips. dammit didn't realize spotify links wouldn't preview. First track:
@Tago-Mago man I love In Flames. Lunar Strain was a big one for me way back when.
One more and I have to stop fucking around and get back to work... one of my favorite heavy bands in recent memory:
@popvulture Hell yeah man. Good shit! These are both in my zone.
Here's one of my favorite bands to zone into. Their newer stuff not so much. Their riffs and soundscapes are epic though. I like that they've got a minimalist take on the vocals and let the music do the talking.
Dude I looooove Elder! Lore was the one that really pulled me in first, listened to that one on repeat for like a year. Since then I've been picking up everything they've released, and I agree that the later stuff is good but not as awesome as the older stuff. I did really like the Gold & Silver Sessions — really nice and kinda krautrock-ish shit to get lost in. I dig that they went instrumental on that one for a change.
@popvulture YES! amazing I've never met anyone who's ever heard of them! Oh, and Lore was my first entry too. Reflections blew my mind and i got into their older stuff too. Love the "Conan"-era Elder too.
But yeah, they lost me with Omens. I think the last good release was the one the singer/guitar player made solo during the covid lockdowns after he moved to Germany. Under the name Delving. This one is much more experimental like gold and silver sessions.
Oh shit, I haven't heard that — def will check it out!
@popvulture :the_horns: yeah buddy!
Funny no one put them here so problem solve:
Matt Pike for president :the_horns:
I totally agree with their way to see the vocals, sometimes it can ruin a song so why not eliminate the problem:
And for the last video, a Belgium band that I've just discovered, an atypical set up, an amazing voice:
@gouki74 Fuck yeah. Love the "S-Word". and i havent heard Russian Circles in a long time, thanks for reminding me
@WhiskeySandwich You're welcome mate
Another big fave here, hope i See these guys live again soon
@endo you know these guys? They are from Kiel, another fave...