Indigo invitational Y4
Oh, and Tannery South (Insta) is doing a fade log (Indigo Invitational) and it's free—you just gotta pay for shipping—using code "INDIGOINVI4"
I’m going with a pair of 666-XHS. Maybe I’ll actually finish this time.
Seriously, though, I like how it begins and ends in the winter this time. That seems to be ideal for XHS, UHR, 19L, and other heavy denim that’s not comfortable in the summer months. There’s enough cold/cool weather in the first 3-4 months for some good fade progress, and then you have that nicely broken-in pair waiting for you to fade some more in October when you’re yearning to put on heavy denim again.
Since I want 2-3 pairs in a rotation in any given season am also not nearly hardcore enough to wear XHS any more than sparingly in the summer, I’m shooting for a modest goal of 150 wears this time. I treat the Invitational as a nice structured program to achieve some cool fades, with the added benefit of me not having to care about the competitive angst that comes with subjective judging.
@BlueBlood I'm trying to get a grasp on how this thing works and I think i'll have a similar strategy. I don't have much interest in where i place in a competition, so much as I think it'll be cool to participate in progress sharing, which i tend to do anyway, but where everyone starts at the same time here. 150 seems like a good goal to shoot for, especially with some hotter denim.
@WhiskeySandwich Yeah, I’m planning on sharing my progress here as well. I work a desk job, so don’t get your hopes up.
I finally got home and picked up my Y4 pair. I also received the Tannery South fade tracker too.
This will be my first year competing! I went with the 888s-UHR; they should arrive the day after Christmas. I'm stoked. I feel the competition will be a good way to keep me consistent on one pair (we'll see how the summer goes
), document the progress, and get involved in the community. I've been wearing the 21oz denim for a little over 3 years, and they're the best pair of jeans I've ever owned. I'm excited to see the progress of the UHR if it gets close to my 21oz, and everyone else's progress!
@Subprime nice man, would love to see a pic off your 21oz
@Cents-or-Non-Cents Yo! I'm looking forward to seeing how these fade, which cut did you end up going with? Also that fade log is sick af.
I’m torn as to what to wear
Have a pair of 21oz iron heart or a pair of 17oz pinion denim, the comp starts and ends in summer for me and if it’s anything like last year I’m not looking forward in any shape or form of wearing any pair when it’s 40degrees plus during the day -
I’ve just registered after taking a year off IH555N for me
@Subprime I went with the ST version. I bought both as I'm a huge Imperial fan, but for me to wear the same pair—more or less—for a year straight, I need something slimmer overall.
Yeah, Tannery South did a great job. I'm not sure if I'll keep it in a pocket or not; I assume handling it every day will get enough oils on it to age it.
@Jcaz6996 I managed to get a pair of these for the Y4 and was going to wear them but they can wait…
I’ve fallen in love with these instead. So I’m going to be wearing the bibs for a year crazy I know but should get some decent fades at the end of it.
Good luck everyone and have a great new year. -
Second time in a raw for me with this time the 777XHS.
My goal is to never wash the jeans to see how they will fade at the end, last year was with a PBJ aisora and even I wore it 300+, it didn't manage to came pretty faded (the jeans were almost black at the beginning).
This time I'll try to bit the s...t out of it, motorcycle, mechanic, work...
We'll see. -
@Gammaman Bibs for a year? Love it! I’ll get the Popcorn ready
Hell yeah @Gammaman, bibs will be awesome, stand out for sure during the comp!
@Gammaman Entering with bibs is awesome.
@Jcaz6996 Nice, will be another amazing pair I'm sure.
@gouki74 Cool, hard to beat XHS. Not sure I could go a year without washing, but looking forward to following along.
Decided to go with the SBGs in the end. This will be the year of black jeans.
Not looking to win, but would like to reach at least 200 wears.Just submitted Raw Proof: