IH-888S-21 - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
@WhiskeySandwich i think you nailed it! I just had a PM conversation with forum member and for me and my body type its all about the rise. It took a long time for me to understand drape and silhouette. Measurements are always the best guide. I always tried to force the fit. Did not let the drape and silhouette do its thing. Example people say 888 is the modern smarter 1955. I see it a little different IMHO 1955 is meant to be worn a certain way, above hip bone just below Naval. 888s is better worn sitting right on the hip bone I love both but they are extremely different when worn despite similar measurements. I like to think street car desire Marlon Brando vs NWA late 80’s early 90’s. Both classic both denim wearing icons, but different style.
Apologies in advance, my spirit animal is Cliff Clavin
wanted To clarify, my thinking. sizing dilemmas can be a real struggle sometimes. They can be pricey. Like gambling make rules and set minimums. In order of importance. For me Minimum FR 12” combined rise FR+RR 29, minimum waist 17.3, minimum thigh 13.3. I try not to experiment under my minimum requirements, I will sometimes but not typically.
Digressing on previous statement 888s vs 1955s, if a slimmer looking silhouette is considered a smarter fit then 888s is indeed smarter, but still a relaxed style.
I truly hope this helps anyone struggling with size decisions.
@TinMan Dude yea, combined rise was a big thing when I was figuring out the 888. I def have max/mins for everything. It's why my 888's fit damn near the same as my 777's, except for the rise/waist. 777's hang off my ass, which isn't bad in the summer. I love the way my 888's fit though, it's def the perfect cut for me. The hardest part is figuring how much stretch to expect.
@WhiskeySandwich fo sure Stretch is tricky. I have both 36 and 35, I can wear both but have to soak the size 36 more often due to stretching slightly past my maximum.
@Fades-for-future Here they are! It's been a little over three years with my 888s, and they get better each day. I wear them about 5 times a week in the Fall/Winter and not so much in the Spring/Summer; only when I do more leisure activities or am indoors most of the day. They're some tough faders, and it's something I've grown to really love about these jeans. I picked them up at SEPDX and knew nothing about IH before my visit. I told the gentleman at the shop I wanted a heavy pair of denim, and he whipped these bad boys out. So glad he suggested them:
@Subprime they just look great, the guys at Self Edge sold you the right pair without a doubt man. Got my 777s 21 and my 555s 21 and like you said, hard to break but great to enjoy
going with 555s-sbg for the indigo invitational... Enjoy your Christmas
@Fades-for-future thanks man! Looking forward to your SBG fades
Merry Christmas
@Subprime will also follow your UHR progress
Cheers -
plugin-calendar-event-wrapper:start |||IH-888S-21 RESTOCK|||
IH-888S-21 RESTOCK(These will be with our retailers next week)
Any hint if a restock for 888 in 21ib or 21od are also coming soon before I pull the trigger here?
Haha the struggle is real right @Tobi
Glad I pulled the trigger on the SBGs -
Oh baby!!
Aaaaand snapped one up and will start the new year with this, and the IH-634-XHSib I had stacked. Happy new year IH team!!
Going to get a pair of these to wear without turn ups. I’m a 30” leg, any advice on hemming length? Do I need an extra half an inch for creasing/minor shrinkage, or just go my usual 30”. All advice appreciated!
@michaeljcr Best to ask the guys at the shop. Send them an email shop@ironheart.co.uk
@goosehd cheers! Will do. It’s been a while since my last pair, I’m just getting back into the zone…