IHSH-235-OLV - 13oz Military Serge Western Shirt - Olive
better with age.
@NorvilleRogers Nice evo! Wore mine today, still looks way too new.
Thanks @tody … sometimes I wear it to bed!
Probably unhygienic, but it speeds up the evo. -
Washing adds character for those. Just need to be strong and put it in the machine
@Eisenherz thank you! I purchased mine from a local shop though…
@Tobi original color? Green or tan?
@indigostiff Olive drab green
@Tobi it looks fabulous. Well done.
I’ve had this one for a little over a year and have washed 3 maybe 4 times w woolite (a color safe detergent) and hang dried in the bathroom. On the last wash I picked up a some undesired yellowing only around the the top collar button area and the inner side of one sleeve.
I had saw the collar first and thought it was neck stains but I’ve only ever had this happen towards the back/tag side of a collar and this discoloring is in the front. Then I saw it much more pronounced along the inner sleeve. Anyone have this happen to any of their serge fabric? Looking to avoid this happening in other areas and if anyone has a haunch to the cause. Remedies/suggestions welcomed as well! I’m about to soak and scrub but wanted to consult the forum first
It really does. If the scrub doesn’t pull anything out, I might go for a light bleach soak
I have a couple spots on my left shoulder and thought it was from my toddler's snot, but looks exactly like what you have here.
I’d leave it be if was only around the collar but the sleeve is pushing me towards a scrub. I’ll post back on how I make out when I do.
@flannel-slut definitely keep us updated
@jischwar gave it a good scrub and machine washed/dried. I’m happy with the results and plan on abusing some more in the future.
@flannel-slut the contrast is not as pronounced now. Hopefully will continue to fade out as the rest of the shirt does
@jischwar Totally has. Unfortunately, it will need to be pulled out of the office wear rotation but truly liking the weathered look more. I'll post another pic a few months down the road if there is anymore noticeable change.
Backed in to some flashing on my house - ouch!
Thankfully, Rain at Indigo Proof accepted it and I really can’t wait to see the “after” - !!
And after…