Whoa well done @Dmart bike is going to be so much fun. How does it feel so far? Looking forward to feedback.
@Dmart Fellow Triathlete?
@Spencer35 I try to be one
my swim doesn’t look like it yet…
@Dmart nice, well you certainly have the bike for it. I started very slow as a swimmer too. Now it is certainly my best discipline of the three (granted still not fast), it comes with repetition and lots of practice
@Spencer35 it’s a very technical sport compared to cycling and running. I’m daily in the water and it gets better, slowly but steady.
@Dmart 100% true on the technicality of swim. Though swim is VERY different from Golf, they have similarities in that they seem relatively simple and straight forward, yet are very technical and technique driven sports.
Congrats on your upcoming races! What 70.3 are you doing? If you ever have any triathlon or training related questions, please feel free to reach out. I've been in the sport for over 10yrs, with 8 Full Ironman finishes (God willing 9 after this summer), 20+ 70.3 finishes and multiple shorter distances as well.
@Spencer35 wow that’s an accomplishment!
Really appreciate the help!
I’m doing 70.3 Switzerland, hilly bike and rolling run. -
@Dmart Should be gorgeous, enjoy and good luck!
@Spencer35 thanks!
The beauty of lugged steel frames ... .
I rode my first triathlon in a vintage red Alan lugged aluminium frame with Campagnolo Delta breaks - the bike was many years older than me. The breaks were absolut shit at doing their job but one couldn't be made due to their salient beauty.
I am a road cyclist for years, but built myself a gravel bike for all year around funI really don’t know why I don’t have a picture of my roadbike with the new one piece cockpit.
@JCMx800 Beautiful! It doesn't get much better than steal <3! I've heard Standert is really hip right now. I love their "purple reign" colour.
Here's my very anachronistic 26" chromoly World Traveller:
It takes my son to kindergarten in his Thule Chariot, gets me to work every day, rides on gritty trails and smooth tarmac. I simply love riding it every day.
Can anyone recommend a tyre of the same quality as the discontinued Schwalbe Marathon XR?