Gravel Bikes
@Brock oh man, the tinkering never ends, which is part of the fun too! The super yummy's have been fantastic all around. So much so that I will getting a set for my more single track focused rig when the stock recons run their life cycle. And as you said, I just love what sim works does. Fun to support outfits like that!
That Riv is so badass! I love it -
Very cool rig! I especially love the velocity wheels and supper yummys!
@Brock said in Gravel Bikes:
Very cool rig! I especially love the velocity wheels and supper yummys!
Thanks! I had to go hand-built for the wheels to get them in silver. The aesthetic we were going for was 1994 mountain bike.
Planning to find some gravel roads with my buddy in NJ this weekend and I can't wait.
Love the Smeltzer. There is something about the aesthetic of skinny steel tubes, horizontal top bars and fat tires that speaks to me.@Denimhead-0
We share some of the same bikes. Also ride a RS (and have ridden with Richie a few times) and a couple Rivs, EM etc. -
@Perpetual_beta said in Gravel Bikes:
Love the Smeltzer. There is something about the aesthetic of skinny steel tubes, horizontal top bars and fat tires that speaks to me.@Denimhead-0
We share some of the same bikes. Also ride a RS (and have ridden with Richie a few times) and a couple Rivs, EM etc.Nice, a man of true taste
would love to see em.
@Perpetual_beta That’s some nice Steel
Anyone have any recommendation for brands they like for jerseys, bibs, etc.?
@setandsetting IMO, Assos is the best out there.
@setandsetting I have tried several brands and concerning jerseys, to me, they are all similar. I like the style of Pas Normal Studios, but there are many others like MAAP, Rapha, Castelli, Assos.
For Bibs, it's very individual and that's where I would spend rather good money. If you can, try some that fit your ass. -
Thanks for the recommendations guys. I had bought some less expensive Bontrager, REI, and Pearl Izumi stuff and I'm looking to try something a little nicer especially on the bibs side. I went on a not crazy gravel ride yesterday (27 miles) and despite the Pearl Izumi chamois I was wearing my taint got a little rubbed the wrong way. (To be fair I am still breaking in a Brooks saddle.)
None of this cycling wear is really my aesthetic. (What do you mean you don't make a modified type III!?!?!?!?!?) But I think I like the look of the Maap best.
I do feel kinda silly wearing expensive kit though because I don't have clipless pedals and I'm not thin and I don't go fast or anything.
@setandsetting It really depends on what you’re doing. Extended hours/miles on a bike can lead to chafing in spots that can be extremely painful doing everyday normal activities. The more miles on the saddle and the more money you want to invest in clothing to minimize that chafing. As mentioned about the taint, you don’t want to aggravate it and if you do, watch out.
I’ve got to the point where I no longer bother with a jersey or bibs. I just wear some Patagonia baggies and whatever shirt I want. Weather it’s a cropped T, long sleeve, sweatshirt etc… I have bags on all my bikes to carry anything I’ll need. So the loss of a couple back pockets is fine… plus, even on a long road ride being comfortable and having some clothes flap in the wind a little is just as fast as wearing Lycra and looking like an idiot… all my roadie friends wear Lycra and ride super expensive carbon bikes and I’m just as fast as them in my baggies on my steel frame.
In the end, it’s personal preference… just do what’s comfortable for you