Samurai Jeans
which belt was it Mo ? what happened? -
Actually tried to order a pair of the regular fit cho-kiwami today. My IH just never seem to feel right for my body and unfortunately they haven’t had the 1955 cut in ages.
But there was no way for me to apply store credit so I have to wait for an email response from the shop.
Tried on a pair of the 17oz zero bushido and loved the denim but the fit was their original wide leg and it was way too much even for me, and I like straight legs and open top blocks.
I find my pair, rather uncomfortable in the gentlemen region.
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot my dude, have you been in my closet again?
@flannel-slut looking champ!
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot likewise man. And couldn’t agree more on the texture
@flannel-slut dope. Like the vibes
@flannel-slut that's wild, I love it! I need a Samurai flannel some time soon, always eyeing them up on Rivet and Hide...
I dig it, man. Psychedelic vibes without being overtly retro.
@jfk1117 thanks man!
@T4920 appreciate it!! Edema Ruh garb for sure
@popvulture thanks bud… little bit of grooviness never hurt -
@flannel-slut I instantly thought traveling hippy circus vibes, or Moroccan hashish den sofas...
You hit the nail on the head with the Ruh reference though, bravo!
@T4920 Maracan hashish den sofa is fantastic
@flannel-slut crazy, I got slapped with heavy fees buying some RGT from Cultizm a few years back... Damn Brexit...
Loool Edema Ruh — hell yes! You can pin your pipes on the collar.
@popvulture so tempted to take this thread off the rails!