2011 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
Is the fabric covering your face the same piece that was previously covering your, um, other area?
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DS prototype gear sling w/Kawatako indigo camera bag
rw -
Oh hey all. No denim for the 2nd day in a row as my 666 were having a little work done. I did wear my SExIH07BK all AM but humidity levels continued to rise. Had to peel them off and get ready for a meeting. Couldn't resist rocking the new shoes either. My IHB-02 is under the fit. Not really the right item but I ALWAYS have at least one piece of IH on at all times! Better to be caught with than without…
PS - You all look good!
IH, Altadena, & Kawatako (Not Pictured)
Yuk -
Posting after Lando is a tall order…
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IHT-1010 (Thanks G & P)
IH-666OD -
Estevan Oriol
Iron Heart**cali creepin' practice for se x fh x rjb party next weekend
^^ I spy your cuff : P
Sorry for my absence weve had no WIFI for a week!!!
3sixteen+ BBSP jeans
Thomas Pink pale blue poplin shirt
Charles Tyrwhitt navy v neck jumperHave decided that when I track down 3rd pair of well fitting Japanese jeans will dispose of horrible Diesel kids jeans in Salvation Army collection bin!they look dreadful - luckily only paid £20 for them….but first have to find a replacement.
You guys all look SO cool in IH - of only they did tiny jeans.
Have really missed the forum - it's good to be back.
IQ :' :'
i really need to pull up my jeans
i really need to pull up my jeans
Yeah, grow up already son!!!
Already dressed
Same as yesterdays except clean shirtPhoned Gordon at BIG - says there are delays of over8months on Skulls. So I may have to wait until next YEAR for my size 00s!!!
Will research EVERY Japanese premium denim co - can't beleive I'll have those awful Diesels until next year/ they don't wear well either.At least I have my purple face PBJs.
I think I need made to measure IH!!!
Oh well, have already exceeded annual budget for clothing for 2011 and it's only June!
3sixteens will be worn to lace by December.
Any suggestions (NO LYCRA!) welcome
Been awake since 1.30am and dressed- luckily doc at 8.00 to sort me out!
Have searched Self Edge, BIG and EVRY search possible to find a pair of jeans to fit- they don't exist!!!
By next year I'll have 3 pairs of rags to walk about in at this rate.,,, o can't be the smallest girl in the world surely!!
If only a Jap brand produced a kids line that looked like sexy jeans bit ONJs site….OMG...not is possible
Plus mums don't want 12 year olds to look sexy!!
Nobody has any thing that matches my measurements- except Nudie, who I dont like and contain stretch as well.
Any suggestions????
IQ :' :'
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