EDC - What's In Your Pockets?
Don't carry much, but IH key chain and wallet made by @fortedleather
Edit; I had no idea he had an account here
post something brother, your products are beautiful
@Beans I feel you. Yes the FRN version. No issues with my pockets at all to be honest. Not the flashiest material but it does it’s job very well. Grippy and light and hence perfect for the Chap. Such a light slim slicey knife. The CTS-XHP is a very solid steel but keep it dry, it’s not the most rust resistant.
@JamesB Haven’t left the house without a triceratops in years as well!
@RobeOfTheMagi Never know when you will need it
@WhiskeySandwich recommendations on the braided wallet lanyard? Been on the look out for one, or making one potentially.