Music: Metal/Punk Rock
@Mizmazzle unquestionably have great memories there and don’t mind a dive (heck my last show was at the Oriental) but I don’t esteem it at all as a quality venue and it can dampen my willingness to see a show. I’m grateful we now have Mission to make it look even worse
Back to topic: check out this lovely tome:
I also ordered WRONG on vinyl. It came out in 1989 just like this video:
Gonna need Alternative Tentacles to hurry the fuck up. Masterpiece of hardcore and in particular drumming. The way they mastered it the drums are very stereophonic too, the toms surround you. Can’t wait!
@WhiskeySandwich This is the band I was referring to:
And I guess @Oaktavia might dig this here, too:
@tody I’m down with some banjo metal
@WhiskeySandwich said in Music: Metal/Punk Rock:
@tody I’m down with some banjo metal
I'm down with this something quoted on a bathroom wall.
Speaking of banjo metal… an old fave band of mine. If you’re wondering about the eyepatch- dude wrecked his 4wheeler and as a result his eye and some other parts as well. Was psyched to see this as a comeback, after years of recovery.
Yesterday's concert was pretty great, first time seeing Cynic live (I think). Didn't know the first band (Cryptosis), but they did a decent job. Couple of songs from Obscura:
Septuagint from 2011:
Akroasis from 2016:
Awesomeness from Cynic:
Played the entire Focus album:
Personal favourite off Traced in air:
Love that cover since I first saw the Skate Video "Sorry" by FLIP as a young lad.
@Oaktavia speaking of…
@mclaincausey yessss thank you for sharing this. I will try to see if I can stream it later tonight. Thanks, Mr. Anton Wilson.
free on YT hard to beatFNORD!
@mclaincausey I only saw the Spanish version free on YT just FYI but it was free (with ads) in Prime which is where I ended up watching it. Great documentary, it helped me understand different versions of the band, members, Descendents Vs. ALL and the fact that Bill was the leader. I didn't know shit! I thought Milo was the leader of the band. Bill wrote those songs! And many of the Black Flag songs. So sick. I had no idea. 1000% recommend this doc to anyone even remotely interested in punk rock and the Descendents.
@Oaktavia yeah man he played on MY War which I just caught the commemorative 40 year anniversary Black Flag tour on too. Legend. Got to see All twice. Great stuff.
@mclaincausey that's ALLsome...heh. sorry.
Descendents come to Silver Spring in September with Circle Jerks...if only driving to DC area wasn't such a nightmare.
@Oaktavia that’s a dream scenario! Other than the drive of course.