Closet clean up: pants
@michaelrmullane will do, I'll send you a DM when I get back to my place in a couple hours. FYI: these were purchased through IHUK and they set aside the largest waist in a tag size 30. Started out at 30.8" and currently at 31.5" w stretch.
@flannel-slut Thanks - if you could do the same for the Samurai S520XX I'm also interested in those.
This post is deleted!
XHSib and Samurai's SOLD
New adds/bump
Hi, I’m interest in the 88821 oz od pants you have for sale. Would it be possible for them to be hemmed before shipping?
@Jman1324 sorry man, no interest in pre-hemming but DM me if still interested in purchasing
888ODs sold
Ducks and PBJ slubs sold
BUMP and some price drops
Lefties sold
New Year bump!
PBJ 18oz double indigo’s SOLD