Indigo invitational Y4
@maxximum sorry for the super late reply…between learning the forum and getting married times slipped by
I couldn’t agree more. I’m a huge fan of high contrast fades and a huge fan of vintage fades. From marbling to cowboy creasing. I love the lifestyle of it all. Most my free time is spent in the wilderness, I always wanted a heavy weight for when I’m off trail and battling underbrush, thorns, and rock. It’s just all bout the lifestyle and that’s what lead me to the best
@Gammaman Superb!! Such a joy to watch!
@olblue Holy schmoooles - you are certainly giving them a run for their threads!!
@denim-dawg rollin’ around like a pig in mud
man you’re bibs are lookin incredible
@olblue wicked! Way to rock n roll around bro!! Thank you bib-by much for the bib-compliment! I bib these hahah Cheers
Keep on rollin
This post is deleted!
@jiminstitches lookin’ so good. Some crispy comb action
@jerkules appreciate that brother, first pair of XHS and already addicted
@Jcaz6996 thanks buddy. Always have that first wash fear
Hi all the heat I can handle but. I met a new lady and when we first met two months ago I told her about this and that I’d be wearing the same jeans for a year that’s fine she said. A couple of months later and she’s hating them refusing to go out with me if I’m wearing them saying she hates them and wants to cut my bibs up. Any tips on how I can convince her to allow me to carry on wearing them?
Probably time to sit with this news and figure out which thing is more important to you. For me, it’s a bit of a flag that she would try to tell you what you can and can’t wear. I also think that if you enjoy denim and it’s something you’re going to continue to be passionate about, why waste your time with someone who can’t love you for all of who you are.
But, the other side of this is how important is the relationship for you? Are you invested in her and her happiness? Does she make you happy?
For me, convincing her to abide the bibs would be giving her an ultimatum along the lines of, “look, this is me and what I do and what I wear, if I’m important enough to you, my clothes shouldn’t really matter”.
@Gammaman said in Indigo invitational Y4:
she hates them and wants to cut my bibs up.
Personally, I find this a bit of a red flag
. Obviously the clothes we wear are not the most important aspect of our lives - I think for all of our passion, most of us know it’s a luxury and enjoyable pastime that we’d need to curb if we found ourselves needing to to support our families or something. Family comes first, right?
But just “hating” them, and wanting to cut them up?! There’s items of clothing I like on my wife, others less so. Does that make me want to cut them up?!
If it were me, I think I’d consider my feelings for this lady but it does seem like an unusually controlling behaviour after a couple of months of seeing someone. Just my $.02
@Gammaman I would say Most important, is how you feel about her if your happy and you can see it going places meet in the middle and come to some agreement on how many times a week you can wear them while you’re in her company.
I can say II is only a competition it’s not everything!
Your going to have sick fades no matter what ..Me Personally I would just wear them in work hours and have other denim to where in personal time
@Gammaman uff. This is a rocky start. In a new relationship everything is so fun and exciting. Of course you want her to love what you love. But sometimes our obsessive behaviors (the whole denim game) can start out charming but then become annoying. Of course, this could be a warning that she isn’t the one. Or it could be a sign that you’ve oversaturated her with too much on the fade obsession. From an outsiders perspective, I can see how this could be perceived as odd behavior.
I think really looking at your relationship as a whole is a good first step. How are the other aspects of the relationship? Is this the one thing that isn’t working, or are there other behaviors she’s displaying that are concerning?
You should always be the man you are and be true to yourself. But also, being so ridged that you can’t compromise and be aware of the needs of someone you care for are not healthy either.
Saying she wants to cut up your bibs…is she joking or ranting like a lunatic? If it’s playful, she may be trying to let you know it’s a bit much for her. If she’s ranting on in true anger, she may have some controlling tendencies that are a sure warning.Edit: one last observation…bibs are such a bold garment. Wearing them all the time can be much more striking. Like if you’re wearing them every time y’all are hanging out and going on dates etc. that can be a lot for someone who isn’t a part of this world we live in. A pair of jeans would be a lot easier to wear nonstop and be not so “in your face” so to speak. Easier to get away with essentially. I wear the same jeans everyday and have for the last year. But I’m sure if I was wearing the same bibs out to dinner, out to the movies, out to family gathering, to work, etc. my wife might call me on it after awhile.