The Mad Red Motherf**ker World Tour.
@Giles Curious how do they initiate contact? They have all of my info: email, phone, physical address. Haven’t heard anything nor have I heard from my email inquiry.
Also, if it’s Canada to the UK, why would it be held up in the US (Louisville, KY - main US hub)?
Do I phone them or keep waiting patiently (slightly impatiently)?
@goosehd Can't wait
Here she is. What a jacket
Thanks @goosehd
@doubletee Nice.
Just in time for a heatwave, it seems...
Enjoy your leg @doubletee
@doubletee Fits good.
dude i cant imagine wearing this in 90f+ temps, even with some wind on the bike.
@Mizmazzle thank man. It’s coming with me to the Foo Fighters on Saturday