Wabbidashery… aka, The Heritage Heaven Tour
Apologies to the tour and @jerkules but I was a few days delayed in shipment. She’s on her way to you my friend!
And only 5 days later, from beautiful Colorado to - ahem - equally beautiful Upminster, the wabash jacket to end all wabash jackets has arrived. What a beautiful jacket and I feel very lucky to be a part of this tour!
Just a quick first post to let you all know this well travelled jacket is here, and to say that it’s better than I imagined.
Thanks to @mclaincausey for sending, and for including the hot sauce. Cannot wait to get into this! I also loved the improvisation on the labelling since I didn’t give him my nameFirst name: Jer, surname: Kules.
Looking forward to getting stuck into my leg of the tour, introducing you to my little world, and wearing the fuck out of the jacket.
@jerkules looks great on you!!
Keep looking in the pockets, I embedded a couple more goodies
. Shamelessly stole Jeff’s hot sauce idea and am enjoying the one he sent me very much. Thanks again @jordanscollected ! Lemme know if that one is any good @jerkules !
JER KULES… amazing
This post is deleted!
I was all “yeah his name is Jer. Jer Kules” (pronounced it “COOL-us”
Next time maybe I’ll get a real name but it did not occur to me until I was at the desk. Glad it got there that quickly. Go FedEx!
@mclaincausey I found the other stuff - well hidden! They’re now taking pride of place on my kitchen fridge - thanks again man. Having a bbq with friends this weekend. Fat Alley will most def be making an appearance
@denim-dawg very exciting. This tour started off with such a bang,and it’s been great to see where it’s led for you and @Stitch . What a year!
@flannel-slut Jeremy on paper, Jer for friends
@Mister_Brue you’re too kind! Have a feeling I too will want one after my leg
@jerkules NOICE, Jer