Iron Heart Meetups
Mrs G and I will be at Zeitgeist. with Katsushin from about 6:30 Tuesday evening. Please come join in the fun…....
Their Margarita's are very good!
We're out of town with K&D tonight. G
We should all do a dinner/ drinks tomorrow night if possible???
I'm down! Arrow, how about you???
my randomness somewhere else cut a pasted to keep things as linear as i ever are
**as a side if you ever get to go to a meet-up ask G about the nice humble guy that does all the textiles for Iron Heart. really no point here but i'm a lateral thinker so it pooped in my head when we meet briefly and he was the nicest guy . . . very random but i can't delete it
so that prompted the above, which is good info to have if you are an Iron Heart junkie
We're out of town with K&D tonight. G
We should all do a dinner/ drinks tomorrow night if possible???
I'm down! Arrow, how about you???
Tomorrow night sounds good. Is ChrisOne available too?
Yo, it is the tamale ladys bday and $10 all u can drink at zeitgeist. Gonna be a shit show. We should go to benders or some shit. I am at sesf. Call me here or come find me here
How long are you guys going to be at Benders for, I work until 830.
Heading to BK (McCarren Park) @ Sundown (8:30pm) for this…
PM me if you find your way!
"My neck, my back, my neck and my back!"
"Puff, puff, give. Puff, puff, give. You fuckin' up the rotation, man."
i wish i could go but i can't. i have a prior engagement.
**grown up talk for nothing good to do but can't make it
i wish i could go but i can't. i have a prior engagement.
**grown up talk for nothing good to do but can't make it