IH-888D - 17oz Duck Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Brown
@WhiskeySandwich makes me want to quack non-stop! What superb wear you’ve given them!
The current run somehow just didn't fit me right, but I managed to find a barely used pair from the 2022 run on ebay, and they're perfect. Still need a hem, because I have the shortest legs know to man (I'm like 5'11'' but take a 29'' inseam!), but super happy with them.
One question: the pocket bags are black on this pair, which is kind of neat. Was that something done in the past? If I'm remembering right, the current run pair that I tried on and returned had white pocket bags.
@schraiber looks good man. With brown duck I have no preference on pocket bag color, but for some reason with jeans I kinda think the bags should match the weft. Really wish my sbg had black bags, ib too…
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@Mindfulbiscuit excellent! what's going on here tho? home dyed?
@WhiskeySandwich I was thinking that? They look so dark!
@WhiskeySandwich no just the iPhone in bad lighting
I thought the same iPhone struggles to show the correct colour on the new ducks but you get my drift
@Mindfulbiscuit that’s a great comparison shot. Love to see how they can evolve
New or old I don’t know what I like more
Finally got my ducks hemmed. Decided to go for a longer hem/more break than I usually do. What do y'all think?
looking good @schraiber
and the option to cuff with high boots -
i wear a 33 in the 888 21 oz flagship indigo. fits great.
been wanting these for a while, and was able to find these in a 32 or a 34 (but not a 33).
i read this thread and it seems like folks say there is little to no stretch, so i might be ok with a 34. sounds like a 32 would be too tight.
any recommendations?
@shadow-denim don’t get distracted by the tag size. Measure your 21oz now that you have worn them and they have stretched. This should give you an indicator of the waist size you need to look for.
@Tago-Mago thank you, i will do that.
once i have the waist measurement from the 21 oz, what should i compare that to?
the listed duck waist measurements, but with 0.5" of stretch added to that figure?
@shadow-denim that would indeed be the most sensible approach.
Pulled a pen out of my pocket at the start of a meet today to find it had exploded. Didn’t want to draw attention to myself and carried on like no big deal but was only half able to focus for fear I had gotten it all over my ducks. Ink everywhere but somehow managed to not get any on my pants and also somehow managed to fight off the urge to take them off then and there and inspect. Thank duck for that