Random Rants
We had a guy ask @Freeman today if we were going to make an A2 with a mohair collar.
When Freeman said, probably not. The guy then asked for a list of the suppliers of the mohair, whipcord etc etc and for the patterns of the N1 and the A2, so he could make his own.
I think Freeman was quite polite.
My answer would have been just 2 words. Get would have been one of them....
@goosehd I work in a University and I had one of my learners fall for this scam this week. The poor soul went so far as to print a check that the scammer sent to them. He then proceeded to bring it to his bank and cash it. Of course now his bank account has been closed and he's come crying to us about "what can you do?" etc. How do you tell an adult to not be so damn gullible? Who in their right mind would think a check you printed off your HP all in one is going to be valid?
@GardenState …to be honest, I assumed that everyone knew of that scam by now.
@Giles Ah, shit! I have to go answer some emails be back in a bit!
@Tago-Mago That’s not fair as I have used “darn it to heck” in a sentence once.
We’re cool like the rest of the world…
@Giles I thought this said "He's a fucking virgin" and I was thinking "how Canadian of him"