Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
Holla, great idea. I've owned a few of these over the years, ace coat & damn they were cheap, I'm sure i paid about £10 for a pristine one back in the late 80s. wore it constantly for about 3 years 'til i lost it in some heavy drinking misadventure :-\ had a black one too. would love to see what Haraki's take would be. oh, and welcome!
Holla, Haraki would love to get hold of an old one if your are up for it.
now that's exciting!!
Holla, and why dont you come to the party and discuss directly with him…....
great job holla.
now you can go to the hello thread & tell us how long you've been lurking & all that good stuff
great job holla.
now you can go to the hello thread & tell us how long you've been lurking & all that good stuff
Note from Haraki re: old jacket shipment:
I am waiting
HARAKIIt is really fucked up, tho… I hope it's not a problem. I'm gonna give it a good wash before I send it out.
I like this idea. In the meantime, you might be interested in Tanner Goods, they have some great leather coasters that I call my own.
m65 army style jacket - bound to happen
Been asking for this for so long! Any chance of the parka being fish-tail?! This jacket from Ten C is all kinds of bad-ass.