I had the guys at IHUK do a chain stitch hem on my 735 work pants…kind of spoiled me on all other hem types for pants. Just seems more robust? But that could be the kool-aid talkin’ and I’m sure either one would work fine Also I’m no help
Chain stitch is less robust to my understanding. Looks better though.
I think there’s a sz 3 available in the Buy/Sell board.
Too lazy to link, as it’s not mine… -
@sophisto000 I thought it was a bit too niche to search so didn't bother. Cheers!
@AdamJ I do!
I mentioned it somewhere on here recently about how good it was, the orSlow fatigue shirt and a flat head dobby are the only two non IH shirts that have stayed in my wardrobe after discovering IH, I guess that’s testament enough to how much I love it. I ordered it from Meadow Sweden for around £120 and escaped any customs fees too, most UK sites seem to have them for over £200 which is a bit ridiculous. It’s a bargain for £120. Also Cameron O did a great YouTube vid on it
EDIT size wise I’m a XXL in most IH and tried the fatigue shirt in a 5, ended up selling it on and ordering a 4, which is perfect. Think it mentions some stuff about sizing in the Cameron O vid.
Second EDIT: I will be buying a back up of this shirt
Just had a quick look on meadowweb, they are now £175.. £55 price rise in a year or so
@GraemeE that indigo one is really dope.
If it’s not IH denim, it’s usually Orlsow for me. So comfortable.
@Denimhead-0 do you get yours hemmed?
If so see above a few posts - do you have a preference on chainstitch vs standard?
@GraemeE I’ve never needed them, my inseam is perfect with most of the size 4’s
@Denimhead-0 long torsoe and hobbit length legs over here