IHSH-18 Viyella Check Western Shirt (Black, Red)
cowsareforeating & nameness let's see this beauty
i'll take it.
images that is
cowsareforeating & nameness let's see this beauty
PeteRock has both I believe…
we need another variation of this shirt please
cowsareforeating & nameness let's see this beauty
PeteRock has both I believe…
I wish I did. I only have the black one
any with an XL just hanging around . . . . i am on the prowl.
post up a fit petey
are these cut big or small per Iron Heart standards? found some larges at Gorilla & want to know if it is worth the risk
thanks for the help doug. that really made it crystal clear for me.
i'm trying to figure out if the shirts are cut along the lines of the 23 or even the 12. i think those shirts are very forgiving size wise (since i have the 23 in xl & the 12 in L). now if the shirt is cut along the lines of 10 which i thought was very small it doesn't even make sense for me to try to grab it.
hope my already clear question has been made clearer.
like the rest of the flannels he says. oh & dougie you owe me a fit flick in yours anyway
i'm trying to figure out if the shirts are cut along the lines of the 23 or even the 12. i think those shirts are very forgiving size wise (since i have the 23 in xl & the 12 in L). now if the shirt is cut along the lines of 10 which i thought was very small it doesn't even make sense for me to try to grab it.
This is obsession speaking here. I'm glad I'm not alone….. We share, we care, we fine pick it, and we pay, and we're quite cool with the whole process, in general.
what, i never denied my problem.
in fact i tell you folks all the time, haHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm thinking of starting a thread 'bout how to hide you purchases from the wife. for some, ya might look like a tool, but it is a reality for others…
The 18 is a standard sized IH shirt. It's equivalent to the 12 (but much softer) and smaller than the 23.
I'm wearing mine today by the way.
I'm a L or XL depending on the cut. I went an XXL on one as the sleeves were 25.5.
dr. pat, i knew i could depend on you & i knew i wasn't crazy about my sizing question(s). ok i might be able to do it. if i doesn't work i'll sell it for whatever i got it for. . . unless me blabbing about it here & someone went a bought it (which would suck for me).
dr. pat would you be kind enough to give me a pic of that beauty. you know i'm in this thread every couple of days sniffing around for an XL or an image.
peterock, dougng, & nameness have denied my pleads. give me an image
Here is an old one I had saved
Arm length varies. They vary things, usually anywhere from 25.5/25.3 to 26 on the western cuts for the arms. There's something here for most buyers in in those lengths and I'm happy with both, mostly. Also with the chest, from 44 to 46 in an XL is sometimes the case. I can always wear an XL but I perfer a L in some cuts for sure. Whatever I get, It's always good though.
Giles, et. al. is not fucking around. They love it like we do.