Random questions to which you seek an answer
just checking on lando in the public forum as i know how bad he wanted to go to that little shindig at the Castle. come down from the ledge Lando. all will be well.
is Geo well enough to make it to the party?
both random questions & kind of related in that monday way
I just like to. Also like jaco said it can lead to stretching. I have also found without a belt the waist tends to kind of overlap on itself if that makes sense and it can cause an ugly fade imo. So with a belt to me that doesn't happen.
And that is unassailable logic. Gotta be prepared.
As an aside, anyone see Zombieland?
Rule number 1: Cardio.
^fun movie
Always check the back seat.
I thought is saw someone at superfuture wearing it some short time ago (happy hooligan?). But all i can find now is a couple of fitpics