Chains, Reins, Leashes, Wallets & Hooks
Giles and Beats, as veterans of the IH-FW tan would you recommend an application of the Obenaufs leather oil on the outside of the wallet before first use and then again every few months? thanks.
i have the IH-FW black. i applied obeaufs on mine. i had no problems whatsoever. just gotta be careful not to get any on the rough parts of the wallet that isn't the face of the leather . (Note Compartment and Removable Card Slot) it will leave black spots that are not removable.
just make sure that your obenauf or w/e other leather care product you use isn't "tainted". i lend it to my friend once and he left a black smudge of shoe polish on it.
i didnt notice it till i applied it on my new tann leather belt and it stained it permanently.
jimmy, the Obenauf's leather oil is neither gel nor wax-like… it's literally like oil. not sure about the other products.
btw thanks Just_KC and mankarat for the thoughts re adding oil. For now I am thinking I will not bother adding any coating of oil to start with at least but will see how it goes...
Just a little side note, this stuff was created in the Pac northwest where I live and folks (myself include) have sworn/used it for as long as I can remember. I have even used it as chap stick in a pinch, the stuff is very "kind" too say the least.
just received my IH-FW tan and, put simply, this thing is stunning. IH signature tough while somehow also being soft to the touch. WHAT A WALLET!