How much liquor did you have to pour into G. to get this pic?
when the Padamores come to your city I strongly advise you all to come out
no tellin' what might happen
Don't call Doug a jackass, that's not very…..oh wait, sorry you all look the same now with these avatars
Yeh, having to actually read someones user name, rather than just look at a picture is soooooooo much effort
G needs a new avatar. tired of looking at that wabash image. hopeful he can get something on this trip. . .
I'd just like to resurrect this thread to point out that mine is better than yours. All of you.
Yes but yours was voted for by the forum members, so of course this is the case. Two heads being better than one etc…
I'd just like to resurrect this thread to point out that mine is better than yours. All of you.
No it isn't.
Yes but yours was voted for by the forum members, so of course this is the case. Two heads being better than one etc…
You could do that, too. Perhaps you could get something awesome. Or at least in focus.
I'd just like to resurrect this thread to point out that mine is better than yours. All of you.
No it isn't.
Well, ok, yours is pretty great.
Ha, touche