IHSH-302-IND - Ultra Heavy Flannel Western Shirt - Buffalo Check - Indigo
When it gets dirty or smelly, at no more than 40C. Don't aggressively spin..
This beauty came in yesterday. A nice compliment to my purple UHF from this season. Hand feel is def. different but not in a bad way in fact it feels more durable then my purple, that one is just so damn soft I want to baby it. I love the color and fit on this one. A little more room in the shoulders and chest then the purple but a tad shorter. Excuse the toothpaste splatter on my mirror. Life with 3 boys
Really solid @Griffwald , such a great looking shirt. And commiserations on the kids vs mirror situation, I can totally relate
Potentially stupid question, but can't tell or find it specifically. Is the pattern on this color way indigo/dark indigo, or indigo/black? That is, will the really dark parts of the pattern also fade, or just the lighter blue parts?
Got mine today. This has to be the “thinnest” feeling UHF I ever had. Anyone else notice this?
@FurattoHeddo plenty of discussion in this thread regrading the differences to other UHFs. See below for @Giles description of the differences
There has been some discussion in this and the IHSH-312-IND thread about the difference between these and previous UHF's.
This is the first time we have indigo dyed the yarns in a UHF, and we had to use a different mill to weave the fabric. Though the actual shirt construction is done in our normal workshop.
The dyeing of the yarn in indigo is more expensive and harder to weave than non-indigo, so this has resulted in a higher cost and therefore price of the shirt over previous non-indigo UHF's.
Also, the mill that we used for the weaving of the fabric has different fabric brushing technology, so the hand feel is subtely different from non-indigo UHF's.
Hadn’t seen that bit. @AdamJ
I actually don’t mind the weight as it’s one of my best fitting UHF’s to date.
Man do I appreciate the info! Now I think I'm leaning more toward the medium as well. Last year, I almost ordered a size medium UHF and I felt good about the size. This time and wanting the UHF western indigo, it seems the shoulder measurement is ever so slightly smaller. I guess it's safe to say you have no issue with the shoulders being tight on the medium?
Generally, I'm slender. 5'10, ~145, lean runner/triathlete build. For the longest time in US shirting I used to say I was the perfect medium. Over the years as sizing has drifted, I've found needing to sometimes get a small.
I had the same problem except I’m 5’10 155 and I like the medium but the one I got it pretty short
Imma send back and hope for a longer size. I can size up but then I gotta hot wash and still to wide for my comfort. Sweet spot is 21.3 for me but I don’t mine slightly bigger just as long as I can stay under 21.7Just got the Medium in and I think it's borderline too small
Length, sleeves, chest seem good. I'm concerned about that top snap puckering slightly… Unless it's going to relax/stretch with wear.
The arms, body length, shoulders etc all look perfect. The top snap pucker is a result of the shoulders/chest being a bit trim.
I have shirts that fit like that and live with it because the shirts are great and fit well every where else. I am more likely to wear them open though.
How bad is the pucker in reality? As I move, mine changes. Is your first pic typical or exaggerrated?
As for relaxing, yes they do, a little. Maybe enough to lessen the effect, maybe not.
Your issue with swapping would be that a size up would probably be too big. In that respect, the work shirt may be better for you.
The arms, body length, shoulders etc all look perfect. The top snap pucker is a result of the shoulders/chest being a bit trim.
I have shirts that fit like that and live with it because the shirts are great and fit well every where else. I am more likely to wear them open though.
How bad is the pucker in reality? As I move, mine changes. Is your first pic typical or exaggerrated?
As for relaxing, yes they do, a little. Maybe enough to lessen the effect, maybe not.
Your issue with swapping would be that a size up would probably be too big. In that respect, the work shirt may be better for you.
I appreciate it. That's my fear and my main hesitation in going for the Large in the first place. I have a couple shirts that do it, but also relegating them to mostly open wear has me doing my damnedest to not repeating again haha.
I'll put it on again when my wife gets home and also get her thoughts. I don't think I was exaggerating it but she can help confirm. And as long as cool washes and hang drying don't cause any shrinkage, I can decide if I can live with it.
as long as cool washes and hang drying don't cause any shrinkage, I can decide if I can live with it.
It should not shrink with careful washing. I appreciate everyones style is their own, but you can also experiment with different buttoning patterns, or even wearing an A-shirt under it (or nothing at all). I find these things useful on my trimmer shirts.
Edit: I just realised you may not be wearing an undershirt here [emoji1]
@chadingsworth - As usual, Neph has a perfect breakdown. agree 100%. Your fit looks terrific. The shoulders did a look on the tighter but Id live with it as well (assuming they're not riding up in the pits, can't stand that).
Im looking forward to seeing pics of this UHF in the next year or two with the indigo faded. Lots of XXL's left; it's tempting to snap one up.
It should not shrink with careful washing. I appreciate everyones style is their own, but you can also experiment with different buttoning patterns, or even wearing an A-shirt under it (or nothing at all). I find these things useful on my trimmer shirts.
Edit: I just realised you may not be wearing an undershirt here [emoji1]
Ha. I was wearing a fairly thin tee underneath. I'm not usually in the habit of going raw dog when trying on new shirts
The puckering in the first pic may be slightly exaggerated, but the second pic I think is normal. My wife said it looked good and didn't appear too small or look out of sorts. Buttoning the top button, which I do on occasion, seems to slightly lessen the pucker. As does unbuttoning that button.
@chadingsworth - As usual, Neph has a perfect breakdown. agree 100%. Your fit looks terrific. The shoulders did a look on the tighter but Id live with it as well (assuming they're not riding up in the pits, can't stand that).
Im looking forward to seeing pics of this UHF in the next year or two with the indigo faded. Lots of XXL's left; it's tempting to snap one up.
Thank you. Luckily it doesn't ride up in the pits (I've also had that before and can't handle it!). Overall, I really like the shirt and also can't wait to see how the indigo fades. I'm quite the indigo fan.
[mention]chadingsworth [/mention] can you cross your arms over your chest and touch the opposite shoulder? Can you touch your toes? If both of these are easy then the shoulders are fine.
The chest looks fine to me.
You won’t get any noticeable shrinkage in the chest and shoulders.
The sleeves look good. There are already some creases so you won’t lose too much length when washing.
It looks a bit long in the front but it could be because you are leaning forward. You will get about a 2cm shrinkage in length with a 30deg wash on the gentle cycle.
I would advise against sizing up. If you do, it would be too long and too wide at the waist.
as long as cool washes and hang drying don't cause any shrinkage, I can decide if I can live with it.
It should not shrink with careful washing. I appreciate everyones style is their own, but you can also experiment with different buttoning patterns, or even wearing an A-shirt under it (or nothing at all). I find these things useful on my trimmer shirts.
Edit: I just realised you may not be wearing an undershirt here [emoji1]
Interesting point about buttoning patterns. I notice that a lot of people seem to fasten all buttons/ snaps bar the top one. I usually just use the middle button, perhaps the middle two, and never, ever fasten the bottom one. Preferences, I guess.
Yeah, for me personally a hard rule is always to never button the top 2 buttons or the very bottom button on a casual shirt.
I thought leaving the bottom button open was a universal standard, but I'm always surprised to see many people doing it up. Looks very weird to me.
Preferences, I guess.
Preference should win at every turn. I din’t know if there is some Reddit thread or GQ article that espouses the «proper way», but what ever looks and feels good to the individual is the right way imho.
I enjoy looking at the .jp crew IG accounts. They wear theirs all kinds of ways. Haraki-san’s favourite is just buttoning the second button down from the top.
[mention]chadingsworth [/mention] can you cross your arms over your chest and touch the opposite shoulder? Can you touch your toes? If both of these are easy then the shoulders are fine.
The chest looks fine to me.
You won’t get any noticeable shrinkage in the chest and shoulders.
The sleeves look good. There are already some creases so you won’t lose too much length when washing.
It looks a bit long in the front but it could be because you are leaning forward. You will get about a 2cm shrinkage in length with a 30deg wash on the gentle cycle.
I would advise against sizing up. If you do, it would be too long and too wide at the waist.
Check and check. I am able to easily do both, but notice the slightest amount of resistance touching shoulders at the same time (unlike a denim jacket I have that I notice pronounced resistance).
Appreciate the thoughts. On all accounts the fit is great minus the tiny pucker on the first snap. I think the length might also appear a tad long due to the camera being lower propped up on the bed lol. And the larger size (besides the shoulders) seemed too big in each measurement.
The medium will stay! Can't wait to fade this bad boi and my first IH piece, long overdue!
I’m a big fan of how “light” and soft this UHF feels.
Copped an XS in this. Ended up chopping a few inches off and popped the bottom button to have it look more like a shirt rather than a flannel dress then gave it a hot wash to tighten it up and give the hems that puckered look I love.
Fit pics.
Note - I typically wear my shirts unbuttoned so the side profile & back photos are of the shirt unbuttoned.