Forum Suggestions?
Adam was given a one week ban for violating a forum rule. He was an old-timer so full well knew the rules. The decision to give him the ban was a decision jointly made by the forum mods online at the time. Adam then rejoined under a different user name and was more than a little personal.
He asked me to delete both accounts. I took the decision to delete the troll account but to leave his primary account with the one week ban. I was hoping that in the cold light of day, the red mist may have lifted a little. And like most of the people above, I enjoyed his posts, loved his photo's and thought he was a great guy to have around.
After the weeks ban was up, he came back into the forum and started modifying posts, thus changing the perception of what had actually happened. At this point the mods made the decision to grant his wish and ban him. When a member becomes spiteful and vengeful, for whatever reason, it is best that they are shown the door.
not sure if this has been said yet….but
any way to just use imgur? or some other embedding where clicking on the image leads to a bigger picture of the image?
You can always post images this way.
postimage (which fucking sucks) actually supports sane click-bigger image behavior. The issue is that the URL to do so goes to the root of the postimage domain instead of to the image itself. I manually make the edit to the URL when I use the browser based image upload and it works.
Don't know if this would be the appropriate thread but i'll plant my suggestion here. When you start new threads for product could you automatically specify a list of vendors that will be carrying the item? The question gets asked every time and it might save you the time and effort if the information were already there.
Thanks @gaseousclay - this has been added to new product checklist
thanks @Giles @Madame Buttonfly
yep, great idea.
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