Anyone here play video games?
COD Advanced Warfare. I've been smashing that lately, multiplayer is a blast.
This thought was sparked by a conversation in Unpopular Opinions and I thought I'd bring it over here:
I really like video games, but I haven't made them a priority lately, and the only console I have is a Wii, which is pretty useless. Does anyone recommend any video games I can play on my computer? I have a pretty modern machine (Mac) that can handle intense graphics.
I like RPGs, and adventure type stuff. Does anyone have any suggestions? Anything you've really liked lately? I would love something I can get lost in for a while.
Borderlands 2 is available from AppStore for the Mac. Awesome game. Also you can get Skyrim hacked for Mac off TPB. You can get lost in that for a couple years
Very tempted to ask you how much
That's crazy, i really love The Order feels like Resident Evil 4 meets Uncharted. The look of the game is beautiful. I couldn't disagree with you more @flash
Been spending most of my time with Nintendo across between Majora's Mask, Persona Q, Bayonetta 2, Smash Bros. I have a hard time being able to play anything else.
Officially cracked, buying a PS4 tomorrow
Didn't need to crack, Pam bought us a "family" PS4
Currently addicted to "The Last Of Us"…..speak to you all in 6 months when it's complete