Decka - Cased Heavyweight Plain Socks
I guess I better tag someone so this doesn't take an aeon to get answered; @Chesson @Oaktavia @Daniel-San @Seul @flannel-slut @ARNC see above.
@Lars said in Decka - Cased Heavyweight Plain Socks:
I have a care question for the other decka rocka's: Are you air drying only? Has anyone been brave (neglectful) enough to disregard the care instructions on the case? I have limited space for air drying socks. And I am lazy.
I throw mine in the dryer like all my other socks...they are a little fluffier but still holding up just fine.
Edit: I had a brain fart there and mixed up my thoughts.
@Oaktavia Hell yeah that is the good news I was looking for. While, I don't have the associated degrees to be sure I thought one of the care graphics on the box looked like a crossed out dryer. But when in doubt Forum to the rescue. So I should be fluffy and fine if I cold wash and low heat dry them?
Dryer is not a problem at all. My oldest pair been in the dryer few dozens times an still in perfect condition -
@Lars late to it but as the boys above mentioned; they hold up no problem to the dryer
Thank you all
Out of the eight pairs I have, five of them are blue. Check out my sock drawer. My wife's great grandfather owned an antique store. Her gma gave us four antique Japanese dressers/chests. The metal details on the drawers are beautiful. Figured I'd share that on here as some folks may find it neat.