Jacques Marie Mage (JMM) - Sunglasses and Frames…
@gakugeidg if i may hop on this one then i would advise self tinting glasses which will transfer dark when they get in contact with UV. In the long run it isn’t that good to wear sunglasses 24/7
@gakugeidg If you want to look like Jack Nicholson, it'll work fine. You can get transitions, but they won't be dark in the light.
I would get a very light sunglass lens if you want to go for that look.
@Kasi looking very good
@Heavy_blue Thanks.
Yes, I've heard of those. -
@JerkStore I actually got a pair of lenses made with gradient tinted lenses in green. I think, they go from 30% down to 10%. But you can hardly see the colour, neither from the outside nor from wearing them.
So I might need to get them gradient from say 50% to 30% or all in 30%. Not sure.
Perhaps grey or brown are better choices.The reason I'm looking for some lenses like that is to make the quite substantial acetate frame less conspicuous.
I find with sunglasses for example heavier frames are easier to wear than with transparent lenses. -
@gakugeidg Rodenstock offer the Colormatic 3Sun lenses in transitions that got from about 50% opacity to 90% in bright light.
I was looking at getting a pair of the Papa Nui Coral Cruisers with these lenses fitted, but my prescription would be tricky in the frame.
- topic:timeago-later,17 days
Yep I can see why!
Finally took the plunge... Was recently gifted a pair. I went to the Venice showroom to pick them out and had seriously one of my favorite shopping experiences ever. Was there for around an hour, tried on most of the frames, and got blasted on complimentary espresso. Had a blast with my wife and the woman who was helping us out there. After narrowing down to a few frames we landed on the Taos Hopper. It was a good blend of the best fit for my face, and a large frame which is what I was looking for. So absolutely stoked on them. Lost the awesome leather case maybe three days after getting them.... Surely better than losing the glasses.
Disclaimer - I am very sunburnt right now, as evident below -
@TENDREL well played ! I would love to make it to the mothership one day
@mclaincausey Yeah highly recommended. The experience made me love the glasses even more.
We had a trunk show at Queen City Optical Provisions today that I deliberately avoided
@mclaincausey I'm sure that your wallet applauds that decision.
@Graeme and my wife
@mclaincausey I'm sure that your wife would appreciate a pair too.