Photograph and Camera talk
As a fellow analog photography nerd, I'm extremely happy to have stumbled across this thread!
When you say analog, do you mean you shoot film [mention]ChaseD [/mention] , or are you referring to using a camera instead of “phoneography”? I’m genuinely curious if the term analog has transitioned.
Looking forward to seeing some of your shots in the thread!
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@sabergirl I am indeed referring to film, but you do bring up an interesting thought about "real" cameras versus phones. Spending entirely too much time and money on cameras and my basement darkroom is a guilty pleasure of mine. I'm mostly in to photographing automotive related things and my kids.
Thanks,I'm kind of going for a Funhouse mirror effect. I've printed some on aluminum which is really cool. If you're on Instagram check out #reflectionsinchrome. Almost everything there is from me.
Neat stuff! Thanks for sharing.
Love it @moto
Still 80% film, mostly 501cm and pentax67. Some Leica.
Freezer full of portra and Agfa 25/100. Developing with Rodinal.
For me, digital can’t replicate the magic of film (yet).
Love it @moto
Still 80% film, mostly 501cm and pentax67. Some Leica.
Freezer full of portra and Agfa 25/100. Developing with Rodinal.
For me, digital can’t replicate the magic of film (yet).
. You’re bringing back fond memories as Rodinal was my go to back when I was developing my own film.
Great photos @Jett129 and @ChaseD
@ChaseD what camera is that your shooting with? I don't recognize the waist level finder, I shoot with a Hasselblad sometimes and love using WLF cameras in general.It's a Rolleiflex 3.5F with an upgraded ultra bright screen. One of my favorites. Great work with your Hasselblad! I shoot mostly B&W, and with the looks of things coming down the pipeline from Kodak on price increases on color, it's likely to stay that way