IHSB-BIGBUCK-OLV - Deerskin Western Shirt The Big Buck - Olive
@Luijim78 - it is an amazing shirt. I love mine.
The Big Buck for sure is one of my favorite pieces all time! But I had a question for those who might know. I noticed everyone who posts photos of their Big Bucks always seem to have a single back design, while mine has a three piece back. Not complaining at all, but just curious as I never knew why that was (Sorry for my crappy photos, I'm not the best at this!)
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This will be a combination of size of the shirt coupled with useable pieces of hide for construction.
Personally, I think yours looks sicl!
@Graham Awesome! Was always curious, but never knew, appreciate you thanks!!
Let’s see some more pics.
Dang. Y’all are starting to make me want this piece.