Football (Soccer)
I think she damaged her eyebrows:
Unhappy about the last African team eliminated. For a true World Cup, one team from the black continent through to the knock out stage would have been an asset.
Our guys were appropriately contrite upon their return, their very, very early return home. Incidentally, Lufthansa had called the aircraft with which they traveled outbound to Russia "Siegerflieger" (Winner's Flyer). The "Verlierer Flieger" (Loser's Flyer) now for the return at least also rhymes… well, almost as good. -
Belgium just need to intentionally score a hat trick of own goals, get second in the group and ensure the "easier" route
I was kinda being serious ;)…I really like this Belgium side I want to see them go far. No offense to the English
Amen to that, both of the UK channels doing the WC coverage (iTV and BBC) seem obsessed with giving him camera time, I can't stand the bloke!
To make it even worse: Maradona gets 10.000 GBP from the FIFA for every match he visits at this WC ???. For playing the ambassador of his nation's team and flipping the opponents off.
What a highly entertaining game France v. Argentina just has been. The World Cup as one would like it to be! Much in contrast to the lame excuse for a game we've seen in the disappointing England v. Belgium game. Mbappé alone was worth the price of admission.
Some added private fun was provided by my dear old mum, who's zero interested in football, but kept ranting about what a shame the German team has been, how they have embarrassed themselves to the bare bones ("bis auf die Knochen blamiert"), and how both France and Argentina provided an example how the game ought to be played.
Felicitations pour la France!
Yep…great game. Aguerro or Higuain should have started.from the get go but moot point now. This has been a fantastic world cup so far. Lets what Ronaldo can do vs Uruguay.
Should we place bets on who Suarez will bite today?
I was pulling for Uruguay over Portugal in this for reasons I can't really explain. The end did get nervy but they held on. Again…really enjoying this world cup.
Now if Mexico can beat Brazil tomorrow I'll be a happy man.