IHDR-434-DTC - 14oz Fox Brothers® West Of England Devon Twill Check Flannel CPO
How are you guys wearing this? with a t-shirt underneath or bare? I don't wear wool shirts much but I assume some of the scratchiness of the wool will relax over time?
Wow, those colors
hoping this gets a re-run. Can anyone comment on the quality vs UHF? Worth price difference?
@dleo said in IHDR-434-DTC - 14oz Fox Brothers
West Of England Devon Twill Check Flannel CPO:
Wow, those colors
hoping this gets a re-run.
It almost certainly will not, in this colour at least.
@tangfj I certainly wouldn't be wearing these without an undershirt, not least because dry clean only to me means 'avoid sweating in it'. I often wear mine with t-shirt and thermal for a deceptively warm setup on cool days or evenings. It also works well in the traditional CPO role of warm middle layer under a sweater or longer jacket. I'm somewhat sensitive to wool, so there's definitely some itch, but it's a very refined fabric. Different beast entirely from a UHF though.
Edit: full disclosure, I don't have this one, but do have the Gun Club and the Arsenic. I sized down on the former and went usual size on the latter, and they both work in their own way.
This may be a dumb question but I live in Florida and as you all know, it's pretty hot here. I work in an office all day though and would love this shirt. I don't currently own any wool shirts and was wondering if this would be too hot? I have some 10oz chambrays, 11oz denim shirts, etc and those work fine. Just don't want to buy this and only be able to wear it one week out of the year haha.
@B_rock84 I don’t have this one but do have the Gun Club and Arsenic so I’ve got experience with the wool aspect. I like wearing mine when the temp drops below 70°F. As long as it’s not too humid I think you would be fine. Sunny, humid and 70°+ would quickly become uncomfortable in my opinion. Others may tell you different but that’s been my experience. Good luck with your choice
As an east coast native I’d say the near constant humidity would make this tricky to wear enough to justify the price anywhere south of Virginia. Especially in Fla. We’re going to Disney in a couple weeks and I e been keeping an eye on the weather there. Hard pass. I’d just move.
@tangfj said in IHDR-434-DTC - 14oz Fox Brothers
West Of England Devon Twill Check Flannel CPO:
How are you guys wearing this? with a t-shirt underneath or bare? I don't wear wool shirts much but I assume some of the scratchiness of the wool will relax over time?
I wear wool or flannel shirts with Smartwool merino wool long sleeved underwear underneath them because the weather here is damp and cold in the winter and I like to stay comfortable.
Best IH shirt yet. Even at the price it’s a solid value, but I’m probably never gonna admit to spending that much “on a shirt” to anyone outside this forum.
looks epic! What a flannel!
Viewer discretion advised: the following images contains a slut and his favorite flannel
@flannel-slut get a room you two…
@flannel-slut you really are a whore for the flannel...such ecstasy on your face bordering on deep rooted daddy issues. hahaha...
Something about this shirt just makes me wanna DANCE….
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot The Shinki Slide