IHF-VAR - Forum Varsity
i like that new lettering the grey is nice & muted & the red gives that little pop.
lirola believe me i didn't get this quickly
we've been in talks for a long, long time on this. it took what seems like forever to get into my mittens, but then again i am really & truly MAD so maybe just started talking about it a few days ago
Monday, you're an effin genius
The Stubborn Crew is speccing out the details on the letters as we speak. Details on numbers to follow. Mind you, the more you futz with this jacket, the less "classic" it's going to look. I, personally, am not going with a number or identifier
Monday, btw, I'm in town 4/4-4/8
I'm organizing a get together. You familiar with the NYU area?
what used to be the village & st. vincent's hospital? i hate that area, but i mean i've been a New Yorker long enough to call everything the name it was 20 years ago
what i'm old-mad-monday
oh & you are kind of right about the more you add you are taking away, but that is the beauty of this, you do as you please to suit you & customize but it is still under the nutty Iron Heart forum banner.
i'm glad you recognize my madness as genius
hugs all around
oh & lirola you here for two weeks i will do my best to get up with you, but i'm just a blue collar family dude with mental illness
NEED NEED NEED before Spring/ Summer…
runs through the arms as well. . . at least on mine. when i get home tonight i'll take a picture of it inside out so you can see what it looks look. i swear you would think it was a herringbone coat with funny buttons
waiting for this is what pushed me over the edge. i was semi sane & now i'm just
it's IH Forum along with Aero, not Iron Heart
come on son keep up
^One of the best items I've ever seen om you MadM. Very nice … Is that melton of same weight (and fame) as IHW-01?
As Seul said above.
To find your Forum Reg number:
- Go to Profile
- Click Profile info
- Read out your number
In this example I borrowed Unity's Login - she is 3761
G….looks like my number is different than what you told me (929), and I see 1283.
Just don't want to get my # wrong if attached to Varsity.
numbers might be a little off cause of spambots & such.
**i think i'm going to pm unity
Does the herringbone lining run through the arms as well or just the body?
bad image as you don't really see the arms. give me a few minutes i'll try to get another one up