SEXIHXLSXA13 - Self Edge x Iron Heart x Leather Soul x Alden
imho i think it was maybe an error with the sizing but the great folks we are dealing with don't point fingers at each other & move forward the best way they know how.
that is of course all speculation on my part, & again, & more importantly, i'm sorry they didn't work out for you & that you lost money on the transaction as it seemed you were really excited about picking them up.
shrink alot?
an inch in the waist & the inseam?
jaco, do you think the denim looks kind of like the old school IH OD denim? to me they look like the first. . . well the second IH OD that SelfEdge carried. The only major difference is these really bleed ALOT of course they aren't OD.
if they shrunk an inch in the waist then i'm happy with that. mine have a real sag that could benefit with some tightening up. i plan on starting in on my busters for the tour so it might make sense for me to get a hot gentle wash out the way. do you recall if you experienced alot of indigo loss?
nah you have me beat with those jaco. i have a pair of the SEXIH01BK & when i got these i went & pulled them out & they just looked really similar. The newer OD is sooo dense all you see is blackness. The old school OD it seems as if they were just getting the recipe down. in any event i'll see if i fell up to it to give these a gentle hot wash & take pictures. with the way the indigo is jumping off i'm just really not in a rush to have water touch these. maybe i'll sleep on it . . . .
you are totally right about the old OD they're not as black as the newer ones, they look really really dark blue inside and the outer is very dark but not as dark as the new ODs, plus the old ODs you can still see whitish weft from the outside, like the OD didn't penetrate as well
maybe tonight I'll take some pics and have a closer look compared to the 13s
I've worn my 13s every day since I got them, have been tempted to soak just to get rid of any shrinkage if there is really gonna be a substantial amount, but was hoping someone else would soak or wash first with pre and post numbers, if they're not gonna shrink I don't want to bother
as fars as purchasing nerkg, i buy based on what is coming down the pike & availability in my size. from time to time i also just get a wild hair up my a$$ & buy things that happen to come-up on sale rails
but i usually purchase from reputable denim traders (IH UK, SE) just in the event if I have an issue I usually get it taken care of a bit to my satisfaction.
Im sure this has been answered already but I am confused. Do these need to be soaked or can they be worn straight out of the box?
they can be worn straight out the box, but please look at the measurements on the SE site. They run pretty big.
no soak needed
no need to soak, they are sanforized. but…
there is some discussion as to whether they will shrink or not once soaked or washed
self edge says half inch shrink in inseam, does not note shrinkage elsewhere which would make sense for a sanforized denim
nerkg says his shrank considerably though, so even if they don't need to be soaked for the same reasons an unsanforized denim does, one might want to soak purely to get rid of (potential) shrink
Thanks for the info guys.
yes they bleed like crazy, been wearing for a few days now & they have not slowed down with the bleeding.