Indigo day
PBJ tee
21oz 634s
@Mickey-GT are you coming to the Party in September?
14oz and 16oz sbg
@WhiskeySandwich solid!!!
461S IH tee Hoka -
Glad Yall like the tie dye I sent to @Oaktavia
If anyone wants something done, send over a white IH tee and let’s rock it out
@WhiskeySandwich wonderful my friend, it's been a while since I saw your 16oz, it's a masterpiece congratulations
@T4920 looks amazing mate. Have a great day
Feeling tired today
@doubletee Cheers Adam! I'll definitely bring it Gosport in September, weather be damned!
285OD, PTC, 734ODG, Trickers
@Luijim78 thanks man, it’s been hanging in the closet for a while, it’s not exactly weather appropriate lately. But I made an exception.
@ARNC congrats, what a quacking fit
@WhiskeySandwich that shirt looking fantastic - given me plenty of inspiration!!
@doubletee @SKT buy a pair of jeans and get endless puns free! I’ve enjoyed the intro
tory submissions so far!
388yel, PTC, 735ODG, Viberg