IH-555-xx - Super Slim Jean
So you're looking for a 301s w/ a slimmer top block it sounds like… and selvedge seems at the hem which should make 301 fans happy.
Nope. Think top block of 666S but with slightly higher rise and more girth in the hip (this is wear the 666 is tight), then slimmer than the 666S from the knee down
check this out ohmybass and the fit pic of Mr. G. wearing the sample in this thread. I am looking forward to this cut as well very much. yeah nice patch design, congrats DV and IH
by the way how about the price? under $400?
No idea at the moment. We don't do costing until after we have confirmed final sample….And then the price is up to Vincent, I am a mere functionary.....
G i am in like
finnFlynn…Can't wait ! I am curious to see how they will look sized up as I expect that's what i will do :-\ -
G so we are looking at about 1 to 2 months for these to be LIVE?
OK..My wallet says thanks