Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
Thanks Giles that jacket looks amazing.
Enamel pins. I'd love to have a IH bell pin on my jacket.
I know a few members here enjoy cigars. Now that a mug has come out how about a cigar ashtray?
Gonna throw the yearly towel in the ring for a new application of zee ol' brown chambray shirt. Short-sleeve western (like the 16) or a long-sleeve pocket-only western.
A 21oz. Denim 714/705 or 718/706.
+2. Though I'd prefer they release that gorgeous ivory piqué type III first.
Count me in for this + 3
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A Wabash CPO would be lovely
And the heavier the better…
I'm a recent (two years ago) IH convert and I ride bikes in hot, muggy weather. Most of the gear IH offers is correctly aimed at temperate or cooler-weather riders; so this is a plug for those of us in hotter areas…
I'd like to see an IH quality buff!
In hot weather, buffs are ideal protection from bugs and sunburn while riding, and even chafing at the neck from stiff jacket collars. We can't replace buffs by sweaters with rollnecks because we are usually riding with only a t-shirt under the jacket for temperature reasons; and the buff is easy to take off as soon as you take your helmet off (and easier to store away than a helmet).
1. the flannels and other fabrics other than wool in the (awesome) cut used on the IHSH-163… a perfect combo of the western/workshirt. i especially love the way the pockets are cut (straight instead of curved) and the shoulders without the panels.
2. a cardigan (w/pockets at bottom, etc) made out of the heavy thermal used for IHTL-1700 could be amazing.
Agree with #1 above wholeheartedly.
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bam. Agree with #1 as well ^^^^
Short Sleeve Workshirt with the IHSH-96 waffle materials - blue, white or black.
Looking forward to those…
How about a valise tray? Vegetable tan leather on the outside, and denim for the interior? And, a waxed denim or canvas dopp kit?
How about some new colorways of the 137.
Sure the UHF's are great and we all love them but these "light" weight flannels are nice also (170, 129, 137) especially for those of us in warmer climates. The 137's are some of my favorite IH pieces and I would love to see them brought out again in some different colorways. Green? Black? Red?
The white snaps are also a nice touch on these.