Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
If there's a move towards less creative or original patterns than crazy checks (this is not intended as an insult), I'd vote for houndstooth.
Being from Alabama, I can tell you that if you did a houndstooth, Alabama fans would buy them by the 100s [emoji1787].
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I’m going to toss out an idea that is a little “outside the box”, but still sort of in the “Vintage Workwear” realm. We all love the UHF material. An UHF Union Suit complete with a butt flap would be insane whether you’re at home “watching Netflix and chilling”, working outside in sub zero temps, or riding on cold days.
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Not a day does by where I don't dream of Double Indigo XHS 555s. PIH5DCTs are my biggest denim grail, and I'm afraid that's basically an impossibility!
I’m going to toss out an idea that is a little “outside the box”, but still sort of in the “Vintage Workwear” realm. We all love the UHF material. An UHF Union Suit…
Not as outside the box as you might think… it gets a mention on this thread about three times a year.
If there's ever a surplus of UHF fabric, particularly a buff check, wouldn't it be sweet as a liner for a jacket?
If there's ever a surplus of UHF fabric, particularly a buff check, wouldn't it be sweet as a liner for a jacket?
There’s the beginnings of an IH/Simmons Bilt collab somewhere in that sentence…
Cant remember if someone suggested this yet, but I just purchased the OD cpo and an OD western shirt in 14 or 12 oz would be great!
Check the extinct section. The IHSH-140 and IHSH-141 where made about three years ago. I saw one for sale on the marketplace recently actually.
There is a blanket-lined CPO coming up soon made of lighter denim.
an OD western shirt in 14 or 12 oz would be great!
an OD western shirt in 14 or 12 oz would be great!
Should probably drink coffee before offering advice on the forum as doing it in bed 2 mins after waking up with a thick head often means I fail to read the whole damn post… [emoji1]
Ha. Appreciate both responses. I shouldn't type after a few bourbons or should at least reread before posting…
One thing I like about the 178 is that the stitching is muted because of the OD process. I would love a 33B with tonal stitching...
Hopefully this is more clearly typed/stated!
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Indigo/black 18oz CPO & type 3
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Cant remember if someone suggested this yet, but I just purchased the OD cpo and an OD western shirt in 14 or 12 oz would be great!
Check the extinct section. The IHSH-140 and IHSH-141 where made about three years ago. I saw one for sale on the marketplace recently actually.
There is a blanket-lined CPO coming up soon made of lighter denim.
I may have gotten my hands on the sample. It’s 14oz and sick AF! Just too warm to wear at the present moment…
Indigo/black 18oz CPO
Fantastic idea!
I am sure there already have something in mind related to indigo/blAck CPO or type 3 .This new indigo/black fabric is so good and fade really fast on 25oz denim. I love my 25oz indigo/black denim.
I have no doubt 18oz will be just as good .
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