Vancouver, BC (CA), Alaska and San Francisco
I didn't get photos in Juneau or Sitka, as there was a lot of rain. Also a scheduled stop of Skagway was cancelled due to heavy wind gusts and heavy rain and the ship couldn't dock safely.
Awesome pictures and thanks for sharing? You probably sailed by our island as we see a lot of cruise ships heading up to Alaska (and back down again). Did you get a chance to visit Viberg Boots while in Victoria?
Yes, there are a LOT of seaplanes in Victoria harbour. Within the last year there was an accident between a plane and boat and I’m surprised there aren’t more. Looks like you had and fantastic trip!
@Denman-John unfortunately, I did not get to Viberg boots. It was a beautiful trip.
@Denman-John Not surprised about the sea plane ship accidents.
Looks like a great trip, and amazing pics. Would’ve loved to met ya, grab a coffee or show u some of my favorite places in SF. But looks like you had a good time and got family here. Those driverless Ubers (Waymo) are everywhere, seen the companies fighting since Covid to be the 1st. Waymo ended up winning cuz other one(forget name) caused horrible bay bridge accident and some other crashes etc. recently seen a new company tryna get out there. They start with people driving and go all over the city for months, testing etc. finally took a Waymo month ago get to Dentist an appointment cuz my wife had our car, was kinda weird but chill. Future ish, all The Uber and Lyft dudes will be outta jobs