Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand - February 2013
It's kinda pretty easy to follow them around; they're usually in cages being over-fed coffee cherries;'s a bit of a problem for the industry.
I'd love to see a free-range organic civet farm. It's hard for me to look at a different culture with different practices and start from there. Like you Mike, coming from a society that condones animal cruelty, this is utterly horrible. Somewhere in there the farmers are trying to make a living for their families.
My point, I don't see any easy answers to update/modify the industry, especially with different cultural backgrounds and a product that's perceived as cultural. The simple answer is not to buy any and let that lead to conversations/research by farmers….money talks, cash is king.
Apologies for the hijacking of a great holiday trip. Mods, feel free to delete if you feel this is inappropriate.