Triple Works - The New Jeans World Tour
Still waiting to receive these…have they been shipped yet?
They have been shipped but Belgium to US might take a while (one week or more) … Should be anyday now ...
Sorry for some stupid reason I thought they were coming from the U.S.
Don't want to unnecessarily alarm anyone, but this doesn't look good:
Normally after 4 days max. you'd see an update Stateside
I wouldn't be worried…it's Xmas so there might be some extra precautions .
Oh I forgot...anything with an R in front of it stops tracking after the origin country..I am pretty sure this is the case
I believe these were attempted to be delivered today..will go to post office in the mornin.
I just picked these up from post office. Tried them on and hello they fit great. The denim is pretty damn fluid. They are very soft kinda like a pair of apc's but a bit more of a rigid top feel. Fit pics to follow later
Quick fit pics…they fit pretty great other than the waist being 2 sizes to small.
Sent from my Desire HD using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
Ok iv decided I can't pull these off because the top 2 buttons still won't button up. If I am right landocal is up next??
I believe the current lineup is as follows:
Friday Ghana/Malaysia DONE
Jordan23 Berlin - Germany DONE
Chuck Denim Dresden - Germany DONE
FurattoHeddo Belgium DONE
Dirty Denim NYC DONE
JCar2666 Boston, Mass - USA
KeyFour ?
Chris Houston, Texas - USA
Corporalclegg ?
emceeQ Michigan - USA
Hemi New ZealandSal, if you could PM JCar2666 for his info and get the jeans off to him, that would be great.
KeyFour, CorporalClegg, emceeQ and Hemi, if you'll send me a quick PM to confirm your location and that you're still interested in doing a tour leg, I'd appreciate it. Also, if anyone else is interested in joining in, it's not too late.:) Speak up and we'll slot you in.
I'll update the schedule as necessary. I'll also have to work on shedding my holiday pounds before my leg comes up. At least I have good motivation now.:D
Everybody on the list should check his measurements to prevent a disappointment.
They are a real 32 and wont stretch much. I´m a 34,5 true size and wear 33 in all IH jeans. -
In all seriousness I cannot imagine this denim will stretch (much), it's a seriously tight weave…
I'm a true 32 waist.
if there is space in the lineup, I wouldn't say "no" to wear it a month -
Happy to add you in. Always room for another on the tour.;)
I did a slight rearrangement in the order, based on interest. Hopefully, we can get this rolling again, now that the holidays are over and things are starting to return to normal.:)
Friday Ghana/Malaysia DONE
Jordan23 Berlin - Germany DONE
Chuck Denim Dresden - Germany DONE
FurattoHeddo Belgium DONE
Dirty Denim NYC DONE
JCar2666 Boston, Mass - USA DONE
emceeQ Michigan - USA
Chris Texas - USA
Nientenhosen - Germany
Hemi New Zealand
Do7 - Malaysia
Corporalclegg? -
cool, will be a pleasure for me wearing the TWs, guessing someday in spring.
what's up? any news of this pair? -
I tried to button them it is impossible. I need jcars address? Please send me a pm