Hard Drinkers, Lets Drink Hard (Spirits, Liquors and Cocktails)
Made a dirty snowman tonight
Got the idea from a Huckberry email. Original recipe was too sweet. My recipe:
4 oz Old Rasputin (up from 3 oz)
1 oz brandy (down from 1.25 oz)
2 tsp simple (down from 1/2 oz)
splash coconut milk (as directed)Shake brandy/simple with ice, pour in goblet. Top with beer. Top with coconut milk.
I omitted the garnish (supposed to be hazelnuts and coco nibs), because I aint got no time. Also omitted the in-glass ice because rasputin says no.
Has a cement mixer quality to it, with the coconut milk float. A good way to get tipsy on a single bottle of stout, since one makes 3 of the above. I've had two and can certainly feel things sloooowwwing dowwwwnnnnnn. Also you'd better go imperial stout with this one. They recommend simply "dark beer" but dopplebock will be cloying, and barleywine/scotch is right out.
I give it a B-. I mean Old Rasputin is fine drinking as is. Doesn't seem worth the clean-up, and I'm really not sure how the coconut milk* really adds anything. Its tendency to float atop means you really only get it in the last sip or two despite your best efforts.
*I used to chug a full can of coconut milk after workouts, so I'm completely familiar with drinking the stuff. Just don't see how it really adds much to this drink, and I ascribe to this axiom: perfection is not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to remove.
2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Maraschino
1/2 oz lemon juice
shake with iceA solid drink. Highly dependent on which gin you use, obviously. I have a few at the moment, most notably Letherbee autumnal release (2016). That was my preference here, followed by Tanqueray. I also tried Hendricks, which is a phenomenal gin for many purposes, but didn't stand up to the Luxardo Maraschino. Although I should note that my wife preferred the Hendricks, so there's no accounting for taste, I guess. As an aside I've made a mental note to pick up a brand of maraschino called Maraska which is said to be less boisterous.
If you've been following my drink odyssey, I rank them in the following order…
John collins
Bolero (although I think this could be improved with brandy/orange selection)
Coffee + amaretto
Dirty Snowman -
Holy cow I'm such an eejit… I ordered it at work, and it said "Jim Beam White Label", so I figured it'd be something special...
Made to the same formula since 1795, this giant of the category is aged for four years in oak barrels to create a smooth, mellow taste with hints of spice.
So yeah I guess I just ordered the regular version… I'll grab a bottle of FOUR ROSES then...
Rowans creek bourbon.
its between 28-34 us at the places ive purchased it. im not sure which sites youre looking at. unless i missed a post by you. ive gone back and looked though. im learning.
Woodford Reserve
Tonight’s drink of choice, Jameson’s Caskmates. Aged in stout casks…. so fucking smooth.
If you like regular Jameson’s, which I love, then this will definitely float your boat. Mellow and smooth,deep and rich coffee and chocolate tastes with just enough burn to let you know it’s there.
Interesting Jameson, never seen that.
@Seul I weep for your bourbon selection:(.
Rye Manhattan
2 oz rye (I used wild turkey 80 proof, would be better with 101)
1 oz italian vermouth (Carpano Antica)
2 dash bitters (Reagan's orange)
1 dash Maraschino (Luxardo)
Stir with ice and strainA classic. For me, it's a change of pace from drinking just straight whiskey, which is what I would do most of the time if left to my own devices. But, I felt the need to understand the Manhattan, so here we are. Although I have no basis for comparison, I'm pretty sure this is a good option for Italian vermouth. I could kill any man ever made with 2 strikes from this bottle.
Stirring results in a clear and more visually pleasing drink. Shaking makes it cloudy (again my wife and I disagree here, she shakes).
I didn't post any, nothing to learn!
It retails at around USD65-75 on the sites based in the UK. Shame!
Wow. That’s a hell of a mark up.