Hard Drinkers, Lets Drink Hard (Spirits, Liquors and Cocktails)
Holy cow I'm such an eejit… I ordered it at work, and it said "Jim Beam White Label", so I figured it'd be something special...
Made to the same formula since 1795, this giant of the category is aged for four years in oak barrels to create a smooth, mellow taste with hints of spice.
So yeah I guess I just ordered the regular version… I'll grab a bottle of FOUR ROSES then...
Rowans creek bourbon.
its between 28-34 us at the places ive purchased it. im not sure which sites youre looking at. unless i missed a post by you. ive gone back and looked though. im learning.
Woodford Reserve
Tonight’s drink of choice, Jameson’s Caskmates. Aged in stout casks…. so fucking smooth.
If you like regular Jameson’s, which I love, then this will definitely float your boat. Mellow and smooth,deep and rich coffee and chocolate tastes with just enough burn to let you know it’s there.
Interesting Jameson, never seen that.
@Seul I weep for your bourbon selection:(.
Rye Manhattan
2 oz rye (I used wild turkey 80 proof, would be better with 101)
1 oz italian vermouth (Carpano Antica)
2 dash bitters (Reagan's orange)
1 dash Maraschino (Luxardo)
Stir with ice and strainA classic. For me, it's a change of pace from drinking just straight whiskey, which is what I would do most of the time if left to my own devices. But, I felt the need to understand the Manhattan, so here we are. Although I have no basis for comparison, I'm pretty sure this is a good option for Italian vermouth. I could kill any man ever made with 2 strikes from this bottle.
Stirring results in a clear and more visually pleasing drink. Shaking makes it cloudy (again my wife and I disagree here, she shakes).
I didn't post any, nothing to learn!
It retails at around USD65-75 on the sites based in the UK. Shame!
Wow. That’s a hell of a mark up.
@Megatron1505 Thanks so much for the heads up.Really delicious/very easy to drink. On the back of the bottle they talk about a craft brewer using their barrels for their stout thus giving them the idea to do this. I’m pretty sure I have a bottle of the stout they’re talking about. Love the finish on this.
About to hijack this thread. This happened:
@Jett129 , i’m glad that you like it mate
Vesper (modern)
Decided to experiment with Lillet, which is a fortified wine often used like vermouth. Things got out of hand. Drink #1…
1 oz Gin
1 oz Vodka
1 oz Lillet Blanc
Dash orange bitters
Lemon twist
Stir and garnishMade famous by James Bond, this is the Vesper with some updated ratios. It was ok, nothing special.
French connection:
1 oz Cognac
1 oz Lillet Blanc
Dash orange bitters
Dash angostura
StirBoth parts are french, or rather they should be, this is the brandy I have on hand. Obviously dependent on the brandy you use, with so few things you really need to upgrade.
49th Parallel
1.5 oz Brandy
1/2 oz rye
1/2 oz triple sec
1/2 oz lemon juice
3/4 oz Lillet Blanc
3 Dashes peychauds
ShakeThis was the winner of the bunch. I also made one with 1:1 brandy to rye, which worked for me as well. It has a big ingredient list but that shouldn't be too daunting, and as you can see I'm using pretty much the basement in terms of quality.
As a general note, brandy and rye go together quite well and will be a base for many of my own creations should I grow so bold (or drunk).
Hey Hey
1 oz Brandy
1 oz triple sec
1 oz lemon juice
1 oz Lillet Blanc
ShakeA simpler version of the 49th parallel that's easier to remember. However, it kind of just turns into a brandy sour, due to the sweetness of the triple sec and Lillet, which is quite sweet on its own. I'd skip over this one and head straight to the 49th Parallel.
Not sure how much Lillet I'll feel the need to use in the future. It's quite sweet, as I mentioned earlier, so I guess it kind of bridges the gap between a sweet and a dry vermouth, being white but not dry. It's probably also adding to the hangover I'm currently experiencing, so there's that to consider.