The Knights in White Denim Tour -AKA The White Trash Tour…
Great posts, and I agree, these strangely look great on you. White jeans are something that is really hard to pull off without looking like a complete ass, you, my friend, looking quite the opposite. I'm genuinely impressed and think they look smashing.
Thanks guys! Still not a fan of white jeans even though these are quite nice, just not my thing. I'm super happy that I've had the chance to be a part of the world tour, it's always fun to get to try stuff that you normally wouldn't get to.
Regarding sizing: These are sized exactly as my regular 634s:s, but they are a bit looser all over IMHO (haven't taken comparative measurements). Still quite the perfect fit for me. My natural waist is around 37" and I never had any initial discomfort regarding tightness with the (indigo) jeans when new, even buttoning was quite easy. Within a week or two the waist and thighs were perfect and all the rest didn't have to stretch much. Although I technically sized down I guess the natural stretch in the jeans compensates for that. The 38":s would definitely be too big.
Loghill's pics are always so nice, thanks for taking them man!
And regarding the next leg of the world tour, anyone willing to take the next leg in stead of ronaldsh? My plans are to take these with me to Barcelona over easter which means I'll get these on their way to the next guy in line by the end of week 14 (5th of april at the latest).
Sizing correctly means that you didn't just go by tag size, you go by the actual measurements. My TTS is 35 for my waist, but I wear one 34", one 35" and two 36". I was part of this WT, but since the sizing was like a half size bigger than the 634S, these were enormous on me. I was 2nd to wear them and the true waist was around 36.5"-37".
ronaldlsh, if in Sydney, hit me up
Probably heading to Melbourne and Brisbane/Perth. Went Sydney last year, and was really lucky to purchase a pair of 634S at half price!
Ah fair enough. Have a great trip anyhow!! ::). If you happen to know anywhere in Sydney still selling 1/2 price 634S' I'm all ears
Sizing correctly means that you didn't just go by tag size, you go by the actual measurements. My TTS is 35 for my waist, but I wear one 34", one 35" and two 36". I was part of this WT, but since the sizing was like a half size bigger than the 634S, these were enormous on me. I was 2nd to wear them and the true waist was around 36.5"-37".
Gotcha. I'm not that fussy but I do get your point.
I was supposed to take the white's for a bike ride at my trails today after work, but I couldn't comfortably fit my bibs underneath them so I had to pass on that. Went for the ride anyway (and forgot to take the camera so iphone pics will have to do
The good thing with winter is that the trails are in superb shape, no roots or rocks, just blazing fast hard packed snow
(no ice either so no need for studded tyres).We have this huge forest that's located 5 km from where I live (it's actually a park but it's more like a forest) and there's loads of paths and trails to ride on. I did an 18 km ride today and it was absolutely beautiful - and the best part was that it's already so light in the early evening that I didn't have to put my lights on at all. Here are a couple of random pics along the way:
There's this cafe that's located in the park that I always stop by when on a ride. The donuts there are amazing!
Thanks for reading! -
Regarding sizing: These are sized exactly as my regular 634s:s, but they are a bit looser all over IMHO (haven't taken comparative measurements). Still quite the perfect fit for me. My natural waist is around 37" and I never had any initial discomfort regarding tightness with the (indigo) jeans when new, even buttoning was quite easy. Within a week or two the waist and thighs were perfect and all the rest didn't have to stretch much. Although I technically sized down I guess the natural stretch in the jeans compensates for that. The 38":s would definitely be too big.
The Whites had stretched out to about a 38" waist when I had them. They might have shrunk back a bit after I washed them.
My waist is currently 36" to 37" - I'm currently on a bit of a health kick and it's going down - and given the stretch I'd be tempted to size down to a 34" or 35".
Enjoying your leg so far Jii. Perhaps Finn can step back into the breach for his skipped leg.
Another food related post
Went out for japanese food yesterday with my wife and the loghill family, forgot the fekkin' camera AGAIN! More crappy iphone pics then
Me in IHSH-07 (adore this shirt!) enjoying some aperitif.. Kirin Ichiban!
Prawn tempura
Salmon nigiri and california rolls. The nigiris were probably the best I've ever had. Ever.
Tsukimi udon (poached egg). Udon is one of my favorite japanese dishes.. In the background you can spot another IHSH-favorite, the 41 that loghill's rockin' with style.
Loved the food, the restaurant and the company. Good times.…and here's a pic of tonight's dinner. African inspired chicken "tagine" and vegetables that have been roasted with loads of spices, honey and lemon. And of course hummus.
Haha, thanks! I used to work as a chef in my twenties so I guess I do have gotten the proper training in eating
My appetite and the possibility of an endless supply of good foods to eat wasn't exactly the best combination so I'm really glad it's just a hobby nowadays
Still in the middle of a very cold spell (-20 degrees at night which is exceptionally cold at this time of the year even though the days are warmer) but the sun is out a lot. Took a walk down to the seaside again. This is where I used to walk my dog everyday, there's this fairly big park and some nice scenery.
The pics are what they are thanks to my nonexistent photo skills so sorry about that
Went out on the ice towards a small island. This is the view towards the shore from the ice.
A gas station for boats
Hey dude, you should be driving that snow away instead of those logs!
Saw this guy who was out surf-skating on the frozen sea
This is an old army building that nowadays works as an art school
I have pretty much lived close to the archipelago all my life and have spent many hundreds of days aboard boats and on the small islands that are strewn all over. I love the colors and the ruggedness of it, and this picture of the texture of a rock pretty much sums up everything I love about these islands. Probably sounds strange, but it makes me feel warm inside when I look at this pic.
Walked over to Uunisaari which is this small island that has a public beach on it. There's a tiny river that this bridge crosses over
Apparently it's off season right now because the changing rooms were locked
Fancy a picnic?
Spotted this ferry heading for Estonia
..and some dingies and a rowboat that won't be heading anywhere quite yet
Here's another local thing, this is a place were you can come and wash your rugs in the summer (if you don't mind the busloads of japanese tourists that come here just to take photos of finns washing them). I've washed mine several times at this spot.
The café is right next to them and it is named after what we call the "platforms" in finnish - "mattolaituri" is literally translated to "rug/carpet dock".
Just a nice pic taken on a dock
A view over the sea towards an old fortress island. The island still has a (very) small military base and quite a few people living there as well. There's a ferry that's part of the city's public transport that you can take, and in the summer the island is quite a popular place to spend a day boozing on.
A view over the sea in another direction, at the forefront where you see the yacht is the island with the public beach. Quite many people out on the ice as well.
At the top of this hill is an old observatory and it's quite a popular place for kids to play.
Thanks for reading!