@Tago-Mago On point!! Love the kit!!
@Tobi What a meeting it will be dressed like this!
Have a good one (..and four hours)!
@Karol Yes yes yes!!! Great combo with grey cardigan over the UHF! Btw...which jeans are these? Cracking denim... 18oz?
@endo Now that is how you do Wabash Wednesday!!! With some heavy Worn Jeans to boot! Take care, pal!
@T4920 Nailed it!! The Kersey is wild with the Type II (and I gotta say it looks tasty). Great look pal!
@CosmoSix5 What a look!
Awesome hat to compliment the rest, and with that backdrop!
@denim-dawg updated
@Karol Ah...XHS..of course.. how long you had them?
@Tago-Mago At least the shirt is indigo
Belt is selfmade, I'll dig up the post.
@denim-dawg This is a rather fresh pair (my first in 555 cut), no evo whatsoever ... yet. Maybe 17 days of wear in total over last 3 months.
@Karol That is what they looked like: full of potential and busting with joy-de-vivre
Enjoy! 555 is possibly my favourite cut (next to 634 and 777 and 888 haha.. have never tried 666 .. yet). Have a great XHS day!