Nice frame!!! I like steel. Do you saw my baby couple pages ago?
that blue breezer, yes, nice one, i like. steel frames always the best choice in my eyes.
old school bontrager and de kerf…soo cooool -
Both are old ideas build anew by enthusiasts that love what they do.
Check out more about Wrenchmonkees motorcycles here:
And Bullitt cargo bikes here: -
Seriously jealous, I love Bullitts but have no reasonable justification to own one.
This is my new bike, wanted something for longer rides and for track riding:
Rode 80 km on it yesterday and it felt really good. I know fixed isn't the most efficient for road riding but I like the feeling more than geared so I'll pay my dues for that. Legs are pretty sore right now
This is my new bike, wanted something for longer rides and for track riding:
Rode 80 km on it yesterday and it felt really good. I know fixed isn't the most efficient for road riding but I like the feeling more than geared so I'll pay my dues for that. Legs are pretty sore right now
Sweet bike, Jii! But it's screaming for a Brooks saddle!
Just bought myself a fixie, as part of my latest effort to get fit. Pics when I get back home.
Just bought myself a fixie, as part of my latest effort to get fit. Pics when I get back home.
taps foot impatiently
Just bought myself a fixie, as part of my latest effort to get fit. Pics when I get back home.
taps foot impatiently
I'm in holiday until Sunday, so your foot may get tired.