Where does everyone live?
Welcome- @goosehd
Lovely photo to break the ice!Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
Hi @goosehd - big welcome and yes, that pic is wonderful and gives a sense of how different the places we live in on this ever-shrinking planet can be
Also belated welcomes to @waveoffaze @babtron @finshack and @julian-wolf - would love to see images of where you live/work/play (can't help it, have an image of spectacular Cornish beach in my head as I type…!)
Finally made an account after lurking for awhile. I'm originally from Oklahoma but am going to college at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Instead of using all my free cash on drugs or booze like most kids around here I just put it into Iron Heart
I do miss Okie sunsets though (old pic so the quality isn't too great)
… Instead of using all my free cash on drugs or booze like most kids & adults around here I just put it into Iron Heart
same here .. IH saved my life
Dear all, thought I'd say hi.
I'm Ivan from Jakarta - Indonesia, been a denim fan for long but loving IH products just since November last year when I picked up 666s 21oz in Tokyo, since then it's been crazy, 8 jeans, 3 shirts, 9 t-shirts, biker shades… too bad I cannot order online now, coz my location is marked with fraudulent warning on the website
Anyways, today I finally gave in to 777 XHS from a local shop since 666 21oz that I wanted is not available.
Someone might think it's nuts, 25oz in a tropical land? I don't care, I love it! Although it almost ruined my manicure trying buttoning those flies for the first time -
Welcome to the party @piranha and Ivan and Ryan.
Cheers!Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
Hello iron heart crew. I'm Tim and I live in Denver Colorado. I've been reading for years and slowly collecting pieces. Now I'm in it and participating
Hello everyone. This is my first post so Hello from New Haven, Connecticut. IH 4 life.