Samurai Jeans
No word back from Take5 yet. Anyone know someone there that could help me out?
No word back from Take5 yet. Anyone know someone there that could help me out?
Currently checking with them - will let you if/when the come back to me….
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Awesome!! Thanks alot
I'll be at Take5 at the end of March if all else fails and I can have a look around for you.
That would be great SM. thanks
No word back from Take5 yet. Anyone know someone there that could help me out?
The only ones available @Take5 HK are these… from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Aww. Too bad. Thanks for the help Foxy
Received my Samurai A-103 belt from BiG today…. all I can say is WOW...... this thing is a beast and remarkably comfortable despite its' baseball bat thickness..... only have Tanner Goods standard belt before... not sure I'll be able to go back (or would want to), not that tanner doesn't make a terrific product but this thing was well worth the cost. Thanks to MaxPower for the sizing help!
Glad that sizing worked out. Enjoy it!
those look great! I like the washed out color
Crazy children that would be…but..wait. I already see the children coming this year
haha…yeah as Samurai will release a 25oz denim and as Jordan23 said it will be the S5000 cut...there you have your kids
agreed, Davito….Just saying this to myself as well..
Their 19 oz denim fades beautifully
I couldn't agree more…
Nice pictures there! Will examine them explicitly later at home. The fit looks really nice. Also slimmer than my pair (and the 3000 cut is quite wide)